Programme 20 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry

Last update: 18 September 2012

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Sunday 23 September 2012
Pre-registration and Welcome Drink
Monday 24 September 2012
08:00 Registration
Opening Session & Keynote Presentations
Co-chairs: Jérôme Benveniste & Rosemary Morrow
Room: La Perla
09:00 Welcome and Introduction
Mayor of Venice
Maurice Borgeaud, ESA
Pascale Ultré-Guérard, CNES
09:30 The Challenges in Long-term Altimetry Calibration for Addressing the Problem of Global Sea Level Change
Fu, Lee-Lueng ; Haines, Bruce
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US)
09:50 From Satellite Altimetry to Operational Oceanography: a Historical Perspective
Le Traon, Pierre Yves
Ifremer/Mercator Océan, (FR)
10:10 A 20 Year Climate Data Record of Sea Level Change: What Have We Learned?
Nerem, Robert Steven 1; Chambers, Don 2; Merrifield, Mark 3; Mitchum, Gary 2
1University of Colorado, (US); 2University of South Florida, (US); 3University of Hawaii, (US)
10:30 Warming in the Southern Ocean: Assessing the Mechanisms with Altimetry and Argo
Gille, Sarah ; Gilroy, Angelica ; Mazloff, Matthew ; Zajaczkovski, Uriel
University of California San Diego, (US)
10:50 The Ocean Mean Dynamic Topography: 20 Years of Improvements
Rio, Marie-Helene 1; Mulet, Sandrine 1; Schaeffer, Philippe 1; Picot, Nicolas 2
1CLS, (FR); 2CNES, (FR)
11:10 Self-Induced Ekman Pumping Over Oceanic Mesoscale Eddies
Chelton, Dudley ; Gaube, Peter ; Samelson, Roger M.
CEOAS Oregon State University,(US)
11:40 Twenty Years of Progress on Global Ocean Tides: The Impact of Satellite Altimetry
Egbert, Gary 1; Ray, Richard 2
1Oregon State University, (US); 2NASA/GSFC, (US)
12:00 Conquering the coastal zone: a new frontier for satellite altimetry
Cipollini, Paolo1; Benveniste, Jérôme2; Miller, Laury3; Picot, Nicolas4; Scharroo, Remko 5; Strub, P. Ted 6; Vandemark, Doug7; Vignudelli, Stefano 8; Andersen, Ole B. 9; Birol, Florence 10; Coelho, Emanuel 11; Deng, Xiaoli 12; Emery, William J. 13; Ichikawa, Kaoru 20; Kourafalou, Villy 21; Labroue, Sylvie 22; Ray, Richard 23; Saraceno, Martín 24; Smith, Walter H. F. 3; Thibaut, Pierre 22; Wilkin, John 25
1National Oceanography Centre, (UK); 2ESA/ESRIN, (IT); 3NOAA, (US); 4CNES, (FR); 5NOAA & Altimetrics LLC, (US); 6Oregon State University, (US); 7University of New Hampshire, (US); 8CNR, (IT); 9DTU Space, (DK); 10LEGOS, (FR); 11Stennis Space Center, (US); 12University of Newcastle, (AU); 13University of Colorado, (US); 14TU Darmstadt, (DE); 15University of Cadiz, (ES); 16CSIRO, (AU); 17University of Porto, (PT); 18Fisheries and Oceans, (CA); 19JPL, (US); 20Kyushu University, (JP); 21University of Miami, (US); 22CLS Toulouse, (FR); 23NASA GSFC, (US); 24CONICET-UBA, (AR); 25Rutgers University, (US)
12:20 Advances in our Understanding of the Polar Ice Sheets due to Satellite Altimetry
Shepherd, Andrew 1; Wingham, Duncan 2
1University of Leeds, (UK); 2UCL, (UK)
12:40 20 Years of River and Lake Monitoring from Multi-mission Satellite Radar Altimetry
Berry, Philippa A.M. 1; Smith, Richard G. 1; Witheridge, Simon 1; Salloway, Mark K. 1; Benveniste, Jérôme 2
1EAPRS Lab, De Montfort University, (UK); 2ESA/ESRIN, (IT)
13:00 Lunch Break
Oceanography - Tides - Internal Tides and High Frequency Processes
Co-chairs: Richard Ray & Ole Andersen
Room: La Perla
14:00 FES 2012: A new tidal Model taking Advantage of nearly 20 Years of altimetry Measurements
Carrere, Loren 1; Lyard, F. 2; Guillot, A. 3; Cancet, M. 4
14:20 Fortnightly Ocean Tides, Earth Rotation, and Mantle Anelasticity
Ray, Richard 1; Egbert, Gary 2
1NASA Goddard, (US); 2Oregon State University, (US)
14:40 Observations of Storm Surges by Satellite Altimetry: Hurricane
Igor off Newfoundland
Han, Guoqi 1; Zhimin, Ma 2; Chen, Nancy 1
1Fisheries and Oceans CA, (CA); 2Memorial University, (CA)
15:00 Latest Improvements in tidal Modelling: a regional Approach
Cancet, Mathilde 1; Lyard, Florent 2; Birol, Florence 3; Roblou, Laurent 2; Lamouroux, Julien 1; Lux, Muriel 1; Jeansou, Eric 1; Boulze, Dimitri 1; Bronner, Emilie 4
15:20 How Stationary are the internal Tides in a high resolution global ocean Model?
(Presented by Arbic, Brian)
Shriver, Jay 1; Arbic, Brian 2; Ray, Richard 3; Metzger, E. Joseph 1; Wallcraft, Alan 1
1Naval Research Laboratory, (US); 2University of Michigan, (US); 3NASA, (US)
Building the 20-Year Altimetric Record I
Co-chairs: Pascal Bonnefond & Remko Scharroo
Room: Mosaico I
14:00 Oceanography from Radar Altimetry - The Early Years (highlights)
Hausman, Jessica
Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech, (US)
14:10 The REAPER project: Bringing ERS Altimetry data set to ENVISAT
standards (highlights)
Femenias, Pierre
14:20 Geosat and GFO: Enhancements to two Historical Altimetric Data Sets (highlights)
Lillibridge, John
NOAA Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry, (US)
14:30 Reprocessing TOPEX for the Climate Data Record (highlights)
Callahan, Philip S.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US)
14:40 Consistent Multi-mission Altimetry Products from SALP and RADS
Remko Scharroo, Thierry Guinle
CNES and Altimetrics LLC, (FR)
15:00 Benefits of the Multi-agency / Multi-disciplinary Approach
Dorandeu, Joel
Mercator Océan, (FR)
15:20 Reciprocal Benefits of Multi-mission Satellite Altimetry Comparison
Ablain, Michaël 1; Philipps, Sabine 1; Ollivier, Annabelle 1; Picot, Nicolas 2; Mitchum, Gary 3; Scharroo , Remko 4; Lillibridge, John 5; Haines, Bruce J. 6; Beckley, Brian 7; Desai, Shailen 6
1CLS, (FR); 2CNES, (FR); 3USF, (US); 4Altimetrics, (US); 5NOAA, (US); 6JPL,(US); 7NASA, (US)
Cryosphere I
Co-Chairs: Katharine Giles & Ron Kwok
Room: Sala Festa
14:00 The New Vision of the Cryosphere Thanks to 20 Years of Altimetry
Remy, Frederique
14:20 A Reconciled Estimate of Ice Sheet Mass Balance
Shepherd, Andrew 1; Ivins, Erik 2; The IMBIE Team, 3
1University of Leeds, (UK); 2NASA JPL, (US); 3(27 institutions), (UK)
14:40 Comparison of Surface Elevation Changes of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets from Radar and Laser Altimetry
Zwally, H. Jay 1; Brenner, Anita C. 2; Barbieri, Kristine 3; DiMarzio, John P. 4; Li, Jun 4; Robbins, John 4; Saba, Jack L. 3; Yi, Donghui 4
1NASA Goddard SFC, (US); 2Sigma Space, (US); 3SSAIC, (US); 4SGT, (US)
15:00 Interannual and Decadal Variability of Antarctic Ice Shelf Elevations from Multi-Mission Satellite Radar Altimetry
Paolo, Fernando 1; Fricker, Helen 1; Padman, Laurence 2
1Scripps Institution of Oceanography, (US); 2Earth & Space Research, (US)
15:20 Time Series Of Surface Height Of The Antarctic Ice Sheet From Envisat Along Track Radar Altimetry
Flament, Thomas ; Remy, Frederique
Laboratoire d'Etudes en Geophysique et Oceanographie Spatiales, (FR)
15:40 Coffee Break
Oceanography - Large Scale I
Co-chairs: Sarah Gilles & Jens Schroter
Room: La Perla
16:10 Multi-Decadal Sea Level and Gyre Circulation Variability in the Western Tropical Pacific Ocean
Qiu, Bo ; Chen, Shuiming
University of Hawaii at Manoa, (US)
16:30 Twenty years of Satellite Altimetry: Understanding the Decadal Variability in the North Pacific Ocean - Overview
Lagerloef, Gary 1; Springer, Scott 1; Jiang, ChuanLi 1; Dohan, Kathleen 1; Mitchum, Gary 2; Thompson, Phil 2
1Earth and Space Research, (US); 2University of S. Florida, (US)
16:50 A Statistical Analysis of Gulf Stream Variability from 20 Years of Altimetry
Lillibridge, John 1; Mariano, Arthur 2
1NOAA Lab. for Satellite Altimetry, (US);2University of Miami / RSMAS, (US)
17:10 Atlantic Climate Variability Across Scales: Ocean-atmosphere Coupling and Meridional Circulation during the Satellite Era
(Presented by Rhines, Peter)
Häkkinen, Sirpa 1; Rhines, Peter 2
1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, (US); 2University of Washington, (US)
17:30 Testing the Applicability of the ENSO recharge/discharge Oscillator Paradigm with Altimetry- and Model-derived Sea Level
Singh, Awnesh ; Delcroix, Thierry
Building the 20-Year Altimetric Record II
Co-chairs: Shailen Desai & Pierre Femenias
Room: Mosaico I
16:10 The Precise Orbit and the Challenge of Long Term Stability
Lemoine, Frank 1; Cerri, Luca 2; Otten, Michiel 3; Bertiger, William 4; Zelensky, Nikita 5; Ziebart, Marek 6; Willis, Pascal 7
1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, (US); 2Centre Nationale D'Etudes Spatiales, (FR); 3ESA/ESOC,(DE); 4Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US); 5SGT Inc., (US); 6University College London, (UK); 7Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, (FR)
16:30 Is There a Drift in the Radiometer? 20 Years of Progress in Developing a Climate Quality Wet Tropospheric Correction from Altimetry
Brown, Shannon 1; Desai, Shailen 1; Eymard, Laurence 2; Keihm, Stephen 1; Obligis, Estelle 3; Ruf, Christopher 4
1Jet Propulsion Lab, (US); 2LOCEAN, (FR); 3CLS, (FR); 4University of Michigan, (US)
16:50 20 Years of altimeter Waveforms: a Review of Advantages/Drawbacks/Performances of various retracking Algorithms for various Missions and various Applications
Thibaut, Pierre 1; Smith, Walter 2; Callahan, Phil 3; Femenias, Pierre 4; Picot, Nicolas 5; Boy, François 5
1Collecte Localisation Satellite, (FR); 2NOAA, (US); 3JPL, (US); 4ESA/ESRIN, (IT); 5CNES, (FR)
17:10 Continued Progress towards A Next-generation Sea State Bias Correction Including Global Wave Model Data
Vandemark, Douglas1; Feng, Hui2; Chapron, Bertrand3; Tran, Ngan4
1University of New Hampshire, (US); 2UNH-EOS, (US); 3IFREMER, (FR); 4CLS, (FR)
17:30 From conventional LRM Ku Band to new Technologies (SAR Ku Band, Ka Band): expected Performance improvement and potential Challenge to seamlessly merge them with classical Ku Datasets for ocean Applications.
Picot, Nicolas 1; Boy, F. 1; Mavrocordatos, C. 2; Benveniste , J. 3; Smith , W. 4; Cotton , D. P. 5; Thibaut, P. 6; Verron , J. 7;Cullen,R. 2; DESJONQUERES, J.D. 1
Cryosphere II
Co-chairs: Frédérique Remy & Andrew Shepherd
Room: Sala Festa
16:10 Sea Ice Thickness and Ice Volume from CryoSat-2
Laxon, Seymour 1; Giles, Katharine 1; Ridout, Andrew 1; Willatt, Rosemary 1; Wingham, Duncan 1; Haas, Christian 2; Hendricks, Stefan 3; Beckers, Justin 2; Cullen, Robert 4
1University College London, (UK); 2University of Alberta, (CA); 3Alfred Wegener Institute, (DE);4ESA/ESTEC, (NL)
16:30 Arctic Ocean Sea Ice Freeboard Heights and Dynamic Topography from CryoSat and ICESat
Skourup, Henriette ; Forsberg, Rene ; Rose, Stine Kildegaard
National Space Institute (DTU Space), (DK)
16:50 Sea-ice and Snow Facies Classification from Envisat Altimetry Data over the Polar Regions
Tran, Ngan 1; Girard-Ardhuin, Fanny 2; Rémy, Frédérique 3; Feng, Hui 4; Féménias, Pierre 5
17:10 ALTIBERG, Building up a 20-year Database of Small Icebergs
Tournadre, Jean 1; Legrésy, Benoit 2; Ardhuin, Fanny 1
17:30 CryoSat: ESA's ice Explorer Mission: Status and Achievements
Parrinello, Tommaso 1; Mardle, Nic 2; Bouzinac, Catherine 3; Badessi, Stefano 1; Frommknecht, Bjorn 1; Cullen, Robert 1
18:00 Ice Breaker Reception
Tuesday 25 September 2012
Oceanography - Large Scale II
Co-chairs: Jens Schroter & Bo Qiu
Room: La Perla
08:20 The Coherence and Impact of Meridional Heat Transport Anomalies in the Atlantic Ocean Inferred from Observations
Kelly, Kathryn 1; Thompson, LuAnne 1; Lyman, John 2
1University of Washington, (US); 2Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory/NOAA, (US)
08:40 Relation Between PDO and Basin-scale Ocean Circulation Variations
Jiang, ChuanLi ; Lagerloef, Gary ; Springer, Scott
Earth & Space Research, (US)
09:00 On the North Atlantic subpolar gyre Variability as revealed by Altimetry and the OVIDE Data Set
Mercier, Herle 1; Daniault, Nathalie 2; Lherminier, Pascale 3; Sarafanov, Artem 4; Gaillard, Fabienne 3; Gourcuff, Claire 1; Falina, Anastasia 4
1CNRS/LPO, (FR); 2UBO/LPO, (FR); 3Ifremer/LPO, (FR); 4SIO, (RU)
09:20 The Indonesian Throughflow Response to Indo-Pacific Climate Variability
Sprintall, Janet 1; Revelard, Adele 2
1Scripps Institution of Oceanography, (US); 2Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris, (FR)
09:40 Sea Level, Bottom Pressure and the Dynamics of Large-Scale Interannual Variability in the Southern Ocean
Ponte, Rui M. ; Piecuch, Christopher G.
Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER), (US)
10:00 Surface Geostrophic Circulation of the Mediterranean Sea Derived from Drifter and Satellite Altimeter Data
Poulain, Pierre-Marie ; Menna, Milena ; Mauri, Elena
10:20 The Wind Driven Spin-up of the Beaufort Gyre from Satellite Radar Altimetry
Giles, Katharine 1; Seymour, Laxon 1; Andy, Ridout 1; Duncan, Wingham 1; Bacon, Sheldon 2
1UCL, (UK); 2NOCS, (UK)
Building the 20-Year Altimetric Record III
Co-chairs: Nicolas Picot & Frank Lemoine
Room: Mosaico I
08:20 Absolute Calibration of the TOPEX/POSEIDON and Jason Measurement Systems: Twenty Years of Monitoring from Dedicated Sites
Bonnefond, Pascal 1; Desjonqueres, Jean-Damien 2; Haines, Bruce 3; Mertikas, Stelios 4; Watson, Christopher 5
1Observatoire Cote d'Azur, (FR); 2Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, (FR); 3Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, (US); 4Technical University of Crete, (GR); 5University of Tasmania, (AU)
08:40 Altimeter Drift Estimation: Past, Present and Future
Mitchum, Gary 1; Beckley, Brian 2; Leuliette, Eric 3; Nerem, R. Steven 4
1University of South Florida, (US); 2Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, (US); 3Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry, NOAA, (US); 4University of Colorado, (US)
09:00 Development of the NOAA Sea Level Climate Data Record
Leuliette, Eric 1; Scharroo, Remko 2; Mitchum, Gary 3; Byrne, Deirdre 4; Miller, Laury 1
1NOAA Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry, (US); 2Altimetrics LLC, (US); 3University of South Florida, (US); 4NOAA/NESDIS/NODC, (US)
09:20 ESA's Sea Level Climate Change Initiative
Larnicol, Gilles 1; Timms, Gary 2; Ablain, Michael 1; Stammer, Detlef 3; Johannessen, Johnny 4; Faugère, Yannice 1; Cipollini, Paolo 5; Roca, Monica 6; Rudenko, Sergei 1;Fernandes, Joana 7;Balmaseda, Magdalena 8;Knudsen, Per 9; Benveniste, Jérôme 10
1CLS, (FR); 2LOGICA, (UK); 3University of Hamburg, (DE); 4NERSC, (NO); 5NOCS, (UNITED KINGDOM); 6IsardSat, (ES); 7University of Porto, (PT); 8ECMWF, (UK); 9DTU, (DK); 10ESA/ESRIN, (IT)
09:40 DUACS: Data Fusion and High Resolution Products
Faugere, Yannice 1; Larnicol, Gilles 1; Dibarboure, Gerald 1; Labroue, Sylvie 1; Briol, Frederic 1; Pujol , Marie-Isabelle 1; Picot, Nicolas 2; Bronner, Emilie 2; Guinle, Thierry 2
1CLS, (FR); 2CNES, (FR)
Oceanography - Wave and Wind
Co-chairs: Nicolas Picot & Frank Lemoine
Room: Mosaico I
10:00 Assessment of Two Decades of Altimeter Wind and Wave Products
Abdalla, Saleh ; Janssen, Peter A.E.M. ; Bidlot, Jean-Raymond
10:20 Contribution of Satellite Altimetry to Wave Analysis and Forecasting
Lefevre, Jean-Michel 1; Aouf, Lotfi 1; Lirola, Stephane 1; Queffeulou, Pierre 2; Bentamy, Abderrahim 2; Quilfen, Yves 2
1Meteo-France, (FR); 2IFREMER, (FR)
Hydrology and Land Processes I
Co-chairs: Philippa Berry & Frédérique Seyler
Room: Sala Festa
08:20 Monitoring Ice and Snow Regime of Eurasian Lakes and Inland Seas from Satellite and In Situ Observations
Kouraev, Alexei
08:40 Adaptive Retracking of Jason-1 Altimetry Data for Inland Waters on the Example of the Volga Reservoirs
Troitskaya, Yuliya 1; Rybushkina, Galina 1; Balandina, Galina 1; Lebedev, Sergey 2; Kostianoy, Andrey 3; Soustova, Irina 1
1Institute of Applied Physics RAS, (RU); 2Geophysical Center of RAS, (RU); 3P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, (RU)
09:00 Analysis and Retracking of Altimeter Waveforms for Hydrological Purposes
Mercier, Franck ; Amarouche, Laïba ; Thibaut, Pierre ; Vernier, Anne
09:20 Monitoring River Water levels from Space: Quality Assessment of 20 years of Satellite Altimetry Data
Bercher, Nicolas 1; Kosuth, Pascal 2
1UMR Legos, (FR); 2UMR Tetis, Irstea (ex-Cemagref), (FR)
09:40 Direct Comparison of Absolute Water Surface Elevations Between a Global River Model and Satellite Altimeter
Yamazaki, Dai 1; Lee, Hyongki 2; Alsdorf, Doug 3; Dutra, Emanuel 4; Kim, Hyungjun 5; Kanae, Shinjiro 6; Oki, Taikan 1; Bates, Paul 7
1The University of Tokyo, (JP); 2University of Houston, (US); 3The Ohio State University, (US); 4ECMWF, (UK); 5University of California Center for Hydrologic Modeling, (US); 6Tokyo Institute of Technology, (JP); 7University of Bristol, (UK)
10:00 Global Monitoring of Large Reservoir Storage from Satellite Remote Sensing
Gao, Huilin 1; Birkett, Charon 2; Lettenmaier, Dennis 1
1University of Washington, (US); 2University of Maryland, (US)
10:20 Transforming Surface Water Hydrology Through SWOT Altimetry
Alsdorf, Douglas 1; Mognard, Nelly 2; Rodriguez, Ernesto 3
1Ohio State University, (US); 2LEGOS-CNES, (FR); 3NASA-JPL, (US)
10:40 Coffee Break
11:00 Poster Session
Room: Sala Adriatico
12:30 Lunch Break
Oceanography - Mean Sea Level Trends
Co-chairs: Steve Neren & Anny Cazenave
Room: La Perla
14:00 Regional Sea Level Variability Over The Last 60 Years From 2-D Reconstructions Based on Altimetry, OGCM Runs and Tide Gauges
Meyssignac, Benoit 1; Cazenave, Anny 1; Becker, Melanie 2; Henry, Olivier 3; Llovel, William 4; Palanisamy, Hindumathi 3
14:20 Twentieth-century Global-mean Sea-level Rise: is the Whole Greater than the Sum of the Parts?
White, Neil 1; Gregory, Jonathan 2; Church, John 1; Bierkens, Marc 3; Box, Jason 4; van den Broeke, Michiel 5; Cogley, Graham 6; Fettweis, Xavier 7; Hanna, Edward 8; Leclercq, Paul 5; Marzeion, Ben 9; Oerlemans, Hans 5; Wada, Yoshihide 3; Wake, Leanne 10; van de Wal, Roderik 5
1CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, (AU); 2University of Reading, (UK); 3Utrecht University, (NL); 4Byrd Polar Research Center, and Atmospheric Sciences Program, (US); 5Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht University, (NL); 6Trent University, (CA); 7University of Liège, (BE); 8University of Sheffield, (UK); 9University of Innsbruck, (AT); 10Durham University, (UK)
14:40 Quantifying Geophysical Causes of Global Sea-Level Rise
(Presented by Shum, C.K.)
Kuo, Chung-yen 1; Shum, C.K. 2; Guo, Junyi 2
1National Cheng Chung University, (TW); 2Ohio State University, (US)
15:00 Regional Sea-level Trends from Nearly 20 Years of Radar Altimetry
Barbosa, Susana 1; Scharroo, Remko 2; Matos, Jose 3
1University of Lisbon, (PT); 2NOAA / Altimetrics LLC, (US); 3Universidade do Porto, FEP, (PT)
15:20 An Integrated Approach to Reconstructing Sea Level
Hamlington, Benjamin 1; Leben, Robert 1; Kim, Kwang-Yul 2
1University of Colorado at Boulder, (US); 2Seoul National University, (ROK)
Co-chairs: Vinca Rosmorduc & Margaret Srinivasan
Room: Mosaico I
14:00 Chairman Introduction with BRAT
Rosmorduc, Vinca
14:15 AU's 'OceanCurrent' Website - an Outreach Activity of the Integrated Marine Observing System
Griffin, David ; Cahill, Madeleine ; King, Edward ; Mansbridge, Jim
14:35 Ten Years of Progress in Downstream Oceanographic Services based on Altimetry and Other EO Data
Baudel, Sophie ; Lefèvre, Fabien
14:55 Sea Level Education for Underrepresented Students through Collaboration with CABPES
Hamlington, Benjamin ; Leben, Robert
University of Colorado at Boulder, (US)
15:10 Education, Outreach, and Societal Benefits of Ocean Altimetry Missions: 20 Years of Communication & Collaboration
Srinivasan, Margaret ; Richardson, Annie
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, (US)
15:25 Altimetry on the web: Aviso
Rosmorduc, Vinca 1; Bronner, Emilie 2; Maheu, Caroline 1
1CLS, (FR); 2CNES, (FR)
Hydrology and Land Processes II
Co-chairs: Paul Bates & Doug Alsdorf
Room: Sala Festa
14:00 A Comparison of Water Storage Change from Satellite Altimetry and GRACE over the Great Bear Lake, CA, and Bratsk Reservoir, Siberia.
Moore, Philip ; Pearson, Christopher ; Birkinshaw, Stephen
Newcastle University, (UK)
14:20 Satellite-based Estimates of Surface and Groundwater Storage Variations in the Amazon Basin
Frappart, Frédéric 1; Papa, Fabrice 1; Santos da Silva, Joecila 2; Ramillien, Guillaume 1; Calmant, Stéphane 1
1Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, (FR); 2Universidade Federal do Amazonas, (BR)
14:40 Flood Mapping Inferred from Remote Sensing Data
Crétaux, Jean-Francois 1; Bergé-Nguyen, Muriel 1; Abarca Del Rio, Rodrigo 2; Mognard, Nelly 1; Lion, Christine 1; Pandey, Rajesh Kumar 3; Calmant, Stephane 4; Maisongrande, Philippe 1
1Legos/CNES, (FR); 2Universitad de Concepcion, (CL); 3Legos/NGRI, (FR); 4Legos/IRD, (FR)
15:00 Flood Monitoring From Space
Shum, C.K. 1; Tseng, Kuo-Hsin 2; Alsdorf, Douglas 2; Calmant, Stephane 3; Huang, Zhenwei 2; Kuo, Chungyen 4; Lee, Hyongki 5; Seyler, Frederique 3
1Ohio State University, (US); 2Ohio State University/School of Earth Sciences, (US); 3LEGOS/Institut Recherche pour le Developpement, (FR); 4National Cheng Kung University/Dept. of Geomatics, (TW); 5University of Houston/Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, (US)
15:20 Downscaling of flooded Fraction Derived from Low Resolution Multi Satellite Measurements in Preparation for the SWOT Mission
Aires, Filipe 1; Prigent, Catherine 2; Papa, Fabrice 3; Crétaux, Jean-Francois 3
1Estellus, (FR); 2LERMA, (FR); 3LEGOS, (FR)
15:40 Coffee Break
Oceanography - Integrated Systems - Applications - Forecast - Assimilation I
Co-chairs: Pierre-Yves le Troan & John Lillibridge
Room: La Perla
16:10 Observations of the Influence of Eddy-induced Ekman Pumping on Phytoplankton Trapped in Nonlinear Anticyclonic Mesoscale Eddies
(Presented by Chelton, Dudley)
Gaube, Peter 1; Chelton, Dudley 1; Strutton, Pete 2; Behrenfeld, Michael 1
1Oregon State University, (US); 2University of Tasmania, (AU)
16:30 Guiding Biogeochemical Campaigns with High Resolution Altimetry: Waiting for the SWOT Mission
d'Ovidio, Francesco 1; Zhou, Meng 2; Young Hyang, Park 1; Nencioli, Francesco 3; Resplandy, Laure 1; Doglioli, Andrea 3; Petrenko, Anne 3; Blain, Stephane 4; Queguiner, Bernard 5
1LOCEAN-IPSL CNRS/UPMC/MNHN/IRD, (FR); 2University of Massachusetts, (US); 3Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, University Marseille, (FR); 4Laboratoire d'Océanographie Microbienne, Banyuls, (FR); 5Laboratoire d'Océanographie Physique et Biogéochimique, Marseille, (FR)
16:50 Evaluation of the Latitudinal Variations of the Southern Ocean Sea Water pCO2 in CMIP5 ESMs using Shipboard Measurements and Satellite-derived Ocean Currents
Jiang, ChuanLi 1; Gille, Sarah 2; Sprintal, Janet 2; Sweeney, Colm 3
1Earth & Space Research, (US); 2Scripps Institution of Oceanography, (US); 3NOAA/ESRL/GMD, (US)
17:10 The Contribution of Satellite Altimetry and Ocean Models to Ecosystem-based Fishery Management
Gaspar, Philippe ; Lehodey, Patrick ; Senina, Inna
17:30 CryoSat-2 Mission: A Contribution to the Operational Altimetry Constellation for the Mesoscale Observation
Labroue, Sylvie 1; Briol, F. 1; Pujol, I. 1; Dibarboure, G. 1; Boy, F. 2; Picot, N. 2; Guinle, T. 2; Parrinello, T. 3; Féménias, P. 3
17:50 Monitoring the Ocean from Observations
Guinehut, Stephanie 1; Rio, Marie-Helene 1; Mulet, Sandrine 1; Dhomps, Anne-Lise 2; Larnicol, Gilles 1
1CLS, (FR); 2LEGOS, (FR)
18:10 20 Year Trends in the Surface Circulation
Dohan, Kathleen ; Lagerloef, Gary S. E.
Earth and Space Research, (US)
Coastal Altimetry
Co-chairs: Paolo Cipollini & Florence Birol
Room: Mosaico I
16:10 The PISTACH Project for Coastal and Hydrology Altimetry: 2012 Project Status and Activities
Mercier,Franck 1; Picot, Nicolas 2; Guinle, Thierry 2; Cazenave, Anny 3; Kosuth, Pascal 4; SEYLER, Frédérique 5; PISTACH, Team 1
16:30 COASTALT Project's Contribution to the Development and Dissemination of Coastal Altimetry
Cipollini, Paolo 1; Barbosa, Susana 2; Benveniste, Jérôme 3; Bos, Machiel 4; Caparrini, Marco 5; Challenor, Peter 1; Coelho, Henrique 6; Dinardo, Salvatore 3; Fernandes, Joana 7; Gleason, Scott 8; Gómez-Enri, Jesus 9; Gommenginger, Christine 1; Lázaro, Clara 7; Lucas, Bruno M. 3; Martin-Puig, Cristina 5; Moreno, Laura 5; Nunes, Alexandra 7; Pires, Nelson 7; Quartly, Graham 1; Scozzari, Andrea 10; Snaith, Helen 1; Tsimplis, Mikis 1; Vignudelli, Stefano 10; West, Luke 1; Wolf, Judith 1; Woodworth, Phil 1
1National Oceanography Centre, (UK); 2University of Lisbon, (PT); 3ESA/ESRIN, (IT); 4CIIMAR, Cadiz, (ES); 5Starlab, (ES), 6HIDROMOD, (PT), 7University Porto (PT), 8Concordia University, (CA), 9University Cadiz, (ES), 10CNR, (IT)
16:50 Effectiveness of Various Environmental Corrections and Sea Level Variability near the Indian Coast using PISTACH Coastal Product
Kumar, Raj; Antonita, Maria; Ratheesh, Smitha; Sharma, Rashmi
1Space Applications Centre, (IN)
17:10 3D coastal Mesoscale from lagrangian Analysis of Altimetry and multi-sensor Observations
Bouffard, Jérôme 1; Petrenko, Anne 1; Doglioli, Andréa 1; Escudier, Romain 2; Pascual, Ananda 2; Nencioli, Fancesco 1
1Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (MIO), (FR); 2IMEDEA (UIB-CSIC), (ES)
17:30 The Source of the Leeuwin Current Seasonality
Ridgway, Ken
CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research, (AU)
17:50 Using HF Radar Coastal Currents to Correct Satellite Altimetry
Emery, William (Bill) ; Roesler, Carolyn ; Qazi, Waqas
University of Colorado, (US)
18:10 An Inter-comparison Between Algorithms For Wet Path Delay Retrieval In The Coastal Regions
Fernandes, M. J. 1; Brown, S. 2; Obligis, E. 3; Lazaro, C. 1; Nunes, A. L. 4
1Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Ciências; CIIMAR, (PT); 2JPL, (US); 3CLS, (FR); 4Instituto Politécnico do Porto, ISEP; CIIMAR, (PT)
Hydrology and Land Processes III
Co-chairs: Peter Bauer-Gottwein & Jean-François Crétaux
Room: Sala Festa
16:10 Radar Altimetry for Improving a Large Scale Hydrodynamic Model of the Amazon
Paiva, Rodrigo 1; Bonnet, Marie-Paule 1; Collischonn, Walter 2; Gonçalves, Luis Gustavo 3; Calmant, Stéphane 4
1GET/OMP, UMR 5563 CNRS/IRD/Université Paul Sabatier, (FR); 2Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas / Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, (FR); 3Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos CPTEC/INPE, (BR); 4LEGOS, UMR 5564 CNES/CNRS/UT3/IRD/CNES, (FR)
16:30 Satellite Monitoring, Warning/alert System, and Seasonal/Interannual Variability of the Poopo-UruUru Lake System and Coipasa and Uyuni Salars.
Abarca-del-Rio, R. 1; Crétaux, J.F. 2; Berge-Nguyen, M. 2; Maisongrande, P. 2
1DGEO, UDEC, (CL); 2CNES/Legos, (FR)
16:50 Using Radar Altimetry to update a Hydrological Model of the Zambezi River Basin
Michailovsky, Claire ; Bauer-Gottwein, Peter
Technical University of DK, (DK)
17:10 Improvement in discharge Estimates in a Remote ungauged Basin by including space Data Information into a hydrological Model
Paris, Adrien 1; Calmant, Stéphane 2; Collischonn, Walter 3; Santos da Silva, Joecila 4; Paiva, Rodrigo 5; Bonnet, Marie-Paule 6; Seyler, Frederique 7
1Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, (BR); 2UMR LEGOS, IRD, (FR); 3Instituto de Pesquisas Hidraulicas - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, (BR); 4Centro de Estudos Superiores do Trópico Úmido - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, (BR); 5UMR GET, IRD - UT3 / IPH - UFRGS, (FR); 6UMR GET, IRD - UT3, (FR); 7UMR Espace DEV, IRD, (FR)
17:30 ACE2 Validation and Future Look
Smith, Richard G. 1; Berry, Philippa A.M. 1; Benveniste, Jérôme 2
1EARPS Laboratory, De Montfort University, (UK); 2ESA/ESRIN, (IT)
17:50 Potential of Radar Altimetry for Estimating Soil Moisture
Frappart, Frederic 1; Fatras, Christophe 1; Mougin, Eric 1; Borderies, Pierre 2; Grippa, Manuela 1; Hiernaux, Pierre 1
1Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees, (FR); 2ONERA, (FR)
18:10 ICESat Altimeter Data for Gauge Datum Correction and Hydraulic Model Validation
Hall, Amanda ; Neal, Jeff ; Schumann, Guy ; Bates, Paul
University of Bristol, (UK)
Wednesday 26 September 2012
Oceanography - Integrated Systems - Applications - Forecast - Assimilation II
Co-chairs: Dean Roemmich & Gilles Larnicol
Room: La Perla
08:20 A Revised Estimate of Upper Ocean Heat Content in Light of a New XBT Bias Correction and Implications for the Global Energy Bala
Willis, Josh
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US)
08:40 Sea Level Trends in Ocean Reanalyses/Syntheses
Carton, James ; Chepurin, Gennady
University of Maryland, (US)
09:00 Evaluating an Ensemble of Global Ocean Circulation Estimates using Satellite Altimetry, Gravity Field Models and Argo data
Schroeter, Jens 1; Sidorenko, Dmitri 1; Wang, Qiang 1; Brunnabend, Sandra-Esther 1; Timmermann, Ralph 1; Danilov, Sergey 1; Bosch, Wolfgang 2; Savcenko, Roman 2; Rummel, Reiner 3; Albertella, Alberta 3
1AWI, (DE); 2DGFI, (DE); 3IAPG, (DE)
09:20 Understanding Decadal Changes In Regional Sea Level Patterns And Their Causes In A Data-Constrained Ocean General Circulation Model
Piecuch, Christopher ; Ponte, Rui
Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc., (US)
09:40 Global Eddy-Permitting Ocean Reanalyses and Simulations of the Period 1992 to Present
Parent, Laurent 1; Ferry, Nicolas 1; Garric, Gilles 1; Bricaud, Clement 1; Legalloudec, Olivier 1; Testut, Charles-Emmanuel 1; Drevillon, Marie 1; Desportes, Charles 1; Drillet, Yann 1; Barnier, Bernard 2; Dussin, Raphael 2; Jourdain, Nicolas 2; Molines, Jean Marc 2; Greiner, Eric 3; Guinehut, Stephanie 3; De Boyer Montegut , Clement 4
1Mercator Océan, (FR); 2LEGI, CNRS, Université de Grenoble, (FR); 3CLS, Ramonville Saint Agne, (FR); 4CORIOLIS Data Assembly Center, IFREMER Brest, (FR)
10:00 Imprint of the Intrinsic Low-frequency Ocean Variability on Satellite Observations and Climate Indices.
Penduff, Thierry 1; Juza, Mélanie 2; Gregorio, Sandy 2; Barnier, Bernard 1; Dewar, William K. 3; Molines, Jean-Marc 1
Oceanography - Mesoscale I
Co-chairs: Bo Qiu & David Griffin
Room: Mosaico I
08:20 Beta-Plumes and Origin of striated Patterns in the Ocean
Maximenko, Nikolai 1; Melnichenko, Oleg 1; Di Lorenzo, Emanuele 2; Belmadani, Ali 1; Schneider, Niklas 1
1University of Hawaii, (US); 2Georgia Institute of Technology, (US)
08:40 Use of Satellite Data with Dynamical Concepts to Diagnose the Fine Resolution Ocean Dynamics in the first 500m Below the Surface
Klein, Patrice ; Ponte, Aurélien
09:00 Mean-flow and Topographic Control on Surface Eddy-mixing in the Southern Ocean
Sallée, Jean-Baptiste 1; Speer, Kevin 2; Rintoul, Steve 3
1British Antarctic Survey, (UK); 2Florida State University, (US); 3CSIRO, (AU)
09:20 Can We Infer Ocean Dynamics from Altimeter Wavenumber Spectra?
(Presented by Arbic, Brian)
Richman, James 1; Shriver, Jay 1; Arbic, Brian 2; Ray, Richard 3
1Naval Research Laboratory, (US); 2University of Michigan, (US); 3NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, (US)
09:40 Impact of Horizontal Resolution on Ocean Surface Energy Cascades Computed in Frequency and Wavenumber Domains
Arbic, Brian 1; Scott, Robert 2; Flierl, Glenn 3; Morten, Andrew 1; Polzin, Kurt 4; Richman, James 5; Shriver, James 5
1University of Michigan, (US); 2University of Brest, (FR); 3MIT, (US); 4Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, (US); 5Naval Research Laboratory, (US)
10:00 Past, Present, and Future Developments in Rossby Wave Theories
and Observations
Tailleux, Remi
University of Reading, (UK)
Marine Geodesy, Gravity, Bathymetry and Mean Sea Surface
Co-chairs: Marie-Hélène Rio & Walter Smith
Room: Sala Festa
08:20 20 Years of Marine Gravity Mapping from Altimetry and its Impact on Improvements in Altimeter Range Precision
Smith, Walter 1; Sandwell, David 2; Andersen, Ole 3; McAdoo, David 1;
Marks, Karen 1
1NOAA Lab for Satellite Altimetry, (US); 2Scripps Institution of Oceanography, (US); 3Danish Space Centre, (DK)
08:40 Using the GOCE Error Covariance Products to improve Geodetic Estimates of the Ocean's MDT and Geostrophic Currents
Bingham, Rory 1; Haines, Keith 2; Lea, Daniel 3
1Newcastle University, (UK); 2Reading University, (UK); 3Met Office, (UK)
09:00 Mean Sea Surface and Dynamic Topography of the Arctic Ocean from Envisat and ICESat
Farrell, Sinead Louise 1; McAdoo, David C 2; Laxon, Seymour W 3; Zwally, H Jay 4; Yi, Donghui 4; Ridout, Andy 3; Giles, Katharine 3
1University of Maryland, (US); 2NOAA Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry, (US); 3National Centre for Earth Observation - Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling, University Colle, (UK); 4Cryospheric Sciences Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, (US)
09:20 A Factor of 2 Improvement in Global Marine Gravity and Bathymetry from CryoSat and Envisat Altimetry
Sandwell, David 1; Garcia, Emmanuel 1; Smith, Walter H. F. 2
1Scripps Institution of Oceanography, (US); 2National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (US)
09:40 The MSS from Satellite Altimetry and its Improvement During the past 20 Years
Andersen, Ole Baltazar 1; Knudsen, Per 1; Schaeffer, Philippe 2; Faugere, Yannice 2
1DTU Space, (DK); 2CLS, (FR)
10:00 A two-decade Time Series of Eddy-resolving dynamic ocean Topography
Bosch, Wolfgang ; Savcenko, Roman
10:20 Coffee Break
Oceanography - Integrated Systems - Applications - Forecast - Assimilation III
Co-chairs: Eric Dombrowsky & Pierre De Mey
Room: La Perla
10:50 GODAE OceanView : Towards a Long-term International Program for Ocean Analysis and Forecasting
Dombrowsky, Eric 1; Schiller, Andreas 2; Wilmer Becker, Kirsten 3
1Mercator Océan, (FR); 2CSIRO, (AU); 3The Met Office, (UK)
11:10 The Dependence of Short-range Ocean Forecasts on Satellite Altimetry
Oke, Peter
11:30 Implementing a 3D-VAR Data Assimilation System in the Met Office's Ocean Forecasting Model.
Waters, Jennifer ; Lea, Daniel ; Martin, Matthew ; While, James
Met Office, (UK)
11:50 Evaluation of Real Time and Future Forecasting Systems at Mercator Océan: Overview and Recent Improvements at the Global and Regional Scales.
Greiner, Eric 1; Lellouche, Jean-Michel 2; Le Galloudec, Olivier 2; Drévillon, Marie 2; Regnier, Charly 2; Garric, Gilles 2; Tranchant, Benoît 1; Bourdallé-Badie, Romain 2; Bricaud, Clément 2; Benkir, Mounir 1; Reffray, Guillaume 2; Levier, Bruno 2; Chanut, Jérôme 2; Drillet, Yann 2
1CLS, (FR); 2Mercator Océan, (FR)
12:10 Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting in the European MyOcean
GMES Marine Initiative
Bahurel, Pierre 1; Bell , Mike J. 2; Johannessen , Johnny A. 3; Le Traon , Pierre-Yves 4; Nittis, Kostas 5; Pinardi , Nadia 6; Podaire , Alain 1; She , Jun 7
1Mercator Océan, (FR); 2Met Office, (UK); 3NERSC, (NO); 4IFREMER, (FR); 5HCMR, (GR); 6INGV, (IT); 7DMI, (DK)
Oceanography - Mesoscale II
Co-chairs: Frank Shillington & Somayajulu Yenamandra
Room: Mosaico I
10:50 Topographic Waves in the Norwegian Sea observed with Satellite Altimetry
Volkov, Denis 1; Belonenko, Tatiana 2; Foux, Victor 2
1University of California Los Angeles / Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US); 2Saint-Petersburg State University, (RU)
11:10 On the Joint Use of High Resolution Tracer Images and Altimetric Data for the Control of Ocean Circulations
Gaultier, Lucile ; Verron, Jacques ; Brasseur, Pierre ; Brankart, Jean-Michel
11:30 Interannual Variability of the North Pacific Subtropical Countercurrent and its Associated Mesoscale Eddy Field
Chen, Shuiming ; Qiu, Bo
University of Hawaii at Manoa, (US)
11:50 Beyond the superficial: Delving into the Deeper Currents around Madagascar
Quartly, Graham
National Oceanography Centre, (UK)
12:10 Global Temporal Trends in Eddy Kinetic Energy from Satellite Altimetry
O'Donnell, Christopher 1; Heywood, Karen 1; Stevens, David 1; Shuckburgh, Emily 2
1University of East Anglia, (UK); 2British Antarctic Survey, (UK)
The Future of Altimetry I
Co-chairs: Sophie Coutin-Faye & Peter Wilczynski
Room: Sala Festa
10:50 HY2 Data Quality Assessment and Cross-Calibration
Bao, Lifeng
Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, (CN)
11:05 The SARAL/AltiKa Mission : a Ka-band Mission for Ocean Mesoscale Studies in 2012
Guillot, Amandine 1; Lambin, Juliette 1; Verron, Jacques 2; Sengenes, Pierre 1; Noubel, Jocelyne 1; Steunou, Nathalie 1; Picot, Nicolas 1; Gairola, Rakesh 3; Murthy, Ragava 3
1CNES, (FR); 2LEGI, (FR); 3ISRO, (IN)
11:20 The Jason-3 Mission: The Transition of Ocean Altimetry from Research to Operations
(Presented by Sophie Coutin-Faye)
Gerard Zaouche3, Veronique Couderc3, Francois Parisot4, Parag Vaze1, Walid Bannoura2
11:35 GMES Sentinel-3 and its Surface Topography Mission
Drinkwater, Mark 1; Donlon, Craig 1; Berrutti, Bruno 1; Mecklenberg, S. 2; Nieke, J. 1; Rebhan, H. 1; Klein, U. 1; Buongiorno, A. 2; Mavrocordatos, C. 1; Frerick, J. 1; Seitz, B. 1; Goryl, P. 2; Féménias, P. 2; Stroede, J. 1; Sciarra, R. 3
11:50 From CryoSat-2 to Jason-CS
Francis, Richard 1; Cullen, Robert 1; Buechler, Kurt 1; Parisot, Francois 2; Coutin-Faye, Sophie 3; Wilczynski, Peter 4; Vaze , Parag 5
12:10 SWOT: A High-Resolution Wide-Swath Altimetry Mission for Oceanography and Hydrology
Fu, Lee-Lueng 1; Rodriguez, Ernesto 1; Alsdorf, Douglas 2; Morrow, Rosemary 3; Mognard, Nelly 3; Vaze, Parag 1; Lafon,Thierry 4
1Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US); 2Ohio State University, (US); 3LEGOS – Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées Toulouse, (FR); 4Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, (FR)
12:30 Lunch Break
Plenary – Future Observational Requirements: Risks and Challenges
Moderators: Jean-Louis Fellous & Albert Fischer
Room: La Perla
14:00 Argonautica, an educational Project using JASON Data
de Staerke, Danielle 1; Bonnefond, Pascal 2
1CNES, (FR); 2GéoAzur, (FR)
14:15 The Sea Level Climate record
Cazenave, Anny
14:30 The Small Scale Processes - Sub-Mesoscale, Coastal and Marine Geoid
Fu, Lee-Lueng
14:45 Inland Surface Water
  Bauer-Gottwein, Peter
15:00 The Cryosphere
Remy, Frédérique
15:15 Operational Oceanograghy and Forecasting (Assimilation, Wind-Wave);
Dombrovsky, Eric
15:30 The Role of the Altimetry Constellation
Hans Bonekamp
EUM Ocean Programme
15:45 Round Table Objectives and Organisation
Benveniste, Jérôme and Morrow, Rosemary
15:50 Coffee Break
16:20 Round Table
Discussion 1: Future Observational Requirements
Paul Bates (Bristol University, UK) - Inland Water
Seymour Laxon (UCL, UK) - Cryosphere
Steve Nerem (University of Colorado, US) - Sea Level
Paolo Cipollini (NOCS, UK) - Coastal/Mesoscale
David Sandwell (Scripps, US) - Marine Geodesy
Pierre-Yves Letraon (Ifremer, FR) - Integrated
  Nadia Pinardi (Bologna University, IT) - JCOM
Round Table Discussion 2: Status and Future Altimeter Missions
Mark Drinkwater (ESA/ESTEC) - Sentinel-3
Richard Francis (ESA/ESTEC) - Jason-CS
Juliette Lambin (CNES) – SARAL/AltiKa, Jason-3, SWOT
Lee-Lueng Fu (NASA) - Jason-3, SWOT
Francois Parisot (Eumetsat)
Peter Wilczynski (NOAA) - Jason-3/Jason-CS
Hervé Jeanjean (Policy Officer, EC GMES Bureau)
20:00 Gala Dinner
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