Building the 20-Year Altimetric Record - Challenges and Achievements
Oceanography from Radar Altimetry - The Early Years
Hausman, Jessica 1; Beckley, Brian 2; Haines, Bruce 1; Leben, Robert 3
1Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech, (US); 2SGT/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, (US); 3CCAR/University of Colorado, Boulder, (US)
RADS: Consistent Multi-mission Products
Scharroo, Remko 1; Leuliette, Eric 2; Lillibridge, John 2; Naeije, Marc 3; Mitchum, Gary 4; Byrne, Deirdre 5
1Altimetrics LLC, (US); 2NOAA Lab. for Satellite Altimetry, (US); 3TU Delft/DEOS, (NL); 4University of South Florida, (US); 5NOAA/NESDIS/NODC, (US)
SALP : Consistent Multi-missions Altimetry Products
Guinle, Thierry 1; Menot, Frederic 1; Picot, Nicolas 1; Coutin-Faye, Sophie 1; Dibarboure, Gerald 2
1CNES, (FR); 2CLS, (FR)
The REAPER project: Bringing ERS Altimetry data set to ENVISAT standards
Femenias, Pierre 1; Baker, Steve 2; Brokley, David 2; Soulat, Francois 3; Roca, Monica 4; Martinez, Bernat 4; Otten, Michiel 5; Picard, Bruno 3; Scharroo, Remko 6; Visser, Pieter 7; Rudenko, Sergei 8; Massmann, Franz-Heinrich 8
1ESA/ESRIN, (IT); 2University College London, (UK); 3CLS, (FR); 4isardSAT, (ES); 5ESA/ESOC, (DE); 6Altimetrics LLC, (US); 7TUD-DEOS, (NL); 8GFZ Potsdam, (DE)
Geosat and GFO: Enhancements to two Historical Altimetric Data Sets
Lillibridge, John 1; Scharroo, Remko 2; Smith, Walter H.F. 1; Lemoine, Frank 3; Zelensky, Nikita 4; Byrne, Deirdre 5
1NOAA Lab. for Satellite Altimetry, (US); 2Altimetrics LLC, (US); 3NASA/GSFC, (US); 4SGT Inc., (US); 5NOAA/NODC, (US)
Reprocessing TOPEX for the Climate Data Record
Callahan, Philip S.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US)
Reprocessing of The ERS Altimetry Missions - The REAPER Project
Baker, Steven 1; Brockley, David 1; Martinez, Bernat 2; Massmann, Franz-Heinrich 3; Otten, Michiel 4; Picard, Bruno 5; Roca, Mònica 2; Scharroo, Remko 6; Soulat, Francois 5; Visser, Pieter 7; Féménias, Pierre 8
1UCL-MSSL, (UK); 2isardSAT, (ES); 3GFZ Potsdam, (DE); 4ESA/ESOC, (DE); 5CLS, (FR); 6Altimetrics LLC, (US); 7T.U.Delft DEOS, (NL); 8ESA/ESRIN, (IT)
30 Years of CNES Programs in Satellite Altimetry
Lambin, Juliette ; Coutin-Faye, Sophie ; Zaouche, Gérard ; Sengenès, Pierre ; Tavernier, Gilles ; Lafon, Thierry ; Picot, Nicolas ; Dejus, Michel ; Guinle, Thierry
Envisat Altimeter System: Long Term Monitoring for Fast Delivery Data
Pinori , Sabrina 1; Cotton, David 2; Louis, Jérôme 3; Talone, Marco 1;
Femenias, Pierre 4
1Serco S.p.A, (IT); 2SATOC, (UK); 3Telespazio FR, (FR); 4ESA/ESRIN, (IT)
DORIS/DIODE : Better than 3 cm On-Board Orbits for Near-real-time Altimetry
JAYLES, Christian
New Orbits of ERS-1, ERS-2, Envisat and TOPEX/Poseidon in the ITRF2008 Reference Frame and Their use for Mean Sea Level Research
Rudenko, Sergei ; Esselborn, Saskia ; Schoene, Tilo
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, (DE)
Generating Precise and Homogeneous Orbits for ERS-1, ERS-2, Envisat, Cryosat-2, Jason-1 and Jason-2
Otten, Michiel ; Flohrer, Claudia ; Springer, Tim ; Enderle, Werner
Apparent Sea Level Variability and Trends Arising From the Choice of Orbit
Esselborn, Saskia ; Schöne, Tilo
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, (DE)
Multi-Mission Crossover Analysis: Merging 20 years of Altimeter Data into One Consistent Long-term Data Record
Dettmering, Denise ; Bosch, Wolfgang
Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI), (DE)
Corsica: a Multi-mission Absolute Calibration Site
Bonnefond, Pascal 1; Exertier, Pierre 1; Laurain, Olivier 1; Guinle, Thierry 2; Féménias, Pierre 3
Steep Bathymetry Changes in the Coastal Region South of Gavdos and their Relation to the Altimeter Bias of Jason-2
Mertikas, Stelios 1; Daskalakis, Antonios 1; Andersen, Ole 2; Tziavos, Elias 3; Vergos, George 3; Zervakis, Vasilis 4
1Technical University of Crete, (GR); 2Danish Space Center, (DK); 3Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, (GR); 4University of Aegean, (GR)
Wet Tropospheric Correction for Exploitation of Altimetry Missions for Hydrology or Non-pure Ocean Surfaces: The Next Challenge
Obligis, Estelle 1; Eymard, Laurence 2; Karbou, Fatima 2; Guillot, Amandine 3
1CLS, (FR); 2CNRS, (FR); 3CNES, (FR)
Improving the Consistency in the Jason/TOPEX Microwave Radiometers Long-term Data Records Using Simultaneous Nadir Observations
Cao, Changyong 1; Chen, Ruiyue 2; Miller, Laury 11NOAA, (US); 2IMSG, (US)
Trend and Variability of the Atmospheric Water Vapor: a Mean Sea Level Issue
Thao, Soulivanh 1; Obligis, Estelle 1; Picard, Bruno 1; Eymard, Laurence 2
Calibration of Satellite Microwave Radiometers using GPS Reanalysis
Edwards, Stuart ; Moore, Philip ; Palamartchouk, Kirill
Newcastle University, (UK)
An Improved Objective Analysis Scheme of Scanning Radiometer Measurements to Compute the Water Vapor Path Delay for Altimetry
Stum, Jacques 1; Carrère, Loren 1; Sicard, Philippe 1; Soudarin, Laurent 1; Guillot, Amandine 2
1CLS, (FR); 2CNES, (FR)
Building a 20 Year Sea Level Record in the Arctic from Satellite Altimetry
Andersen, Ole Baltazar 1; Cheng, Y 2; Berry, Philippa A. M. 3; Smith, Richard 3; Knudsen, Per 1
1DTU Space, (DK); 2DTU space, (DK); 3EAPRS, De Montford University, (UK)
Monitoring of Arctic Sea Level with Multi-mission Satellite Radar Altimetry
Wan, Junkun 1; Shum, C. K. 1; Yi, Yuchan 1; Braun, Alexander 2; Fok, Hoksum 1; Guo, Junyi 1; Huang, Zhenwei 1; Johnson, Joel 1; Kuo, Chungyen 3; Tseng, Kuo-Hsin 1
1Ohio State University, (US); 2The University of Texas at Dallas, (US); 3National Cheng Kung University, (TW)
Recent Advances in the Development and Validation of a Sea Surface Height Climate Data Record from Multi-mission Altimeter Data
Beckley, Brian 1; Lemoine, Frank 2; Ray, Richard 2; Zelensky, Nikita 3; Mealchroinos, Stavros 3; Yang, Xu 3; Holmes, Simon 3; Nerem, Steve 4; Mitchum, Gary 5; Brown, Shannon 6; Desai, Shailen 6; Misra, Sidharth 6; Tran, Ngan 7
1SGT Inc./NASA GSFC, (US); 2NASA GSFC, (US); 3SGT Inc., (US); 4University of Colorado, (US); 5University of South Florida, (US); 6JPL, (US); 7CLS, (FR)
Gridded Altimetry - Revisited
Griffin, David ; Oke, Peter ; Cahill, Madeleine ; Sakov, Pavel
Using Radar Altimetry, Combined with Bottom Pressure Data, to Measure Underwater Vertical Movements
Ballu, Valérie 1; Bonnefond, Pascal 2; Calmant, Stéphane 3; Bouin, Marie-Noelle 4; Pelletier, Bernard 5; Crawford, Wayne C. 1; Baillard, Christian 1; Laurain, Olivier 2; de Viron, Olivier 1
1IPGP/ PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité, (FR); 2Geoazur, OCA, (FR); 3IRD, Legos, (FR); 4Meteo FR, (FR); 5IRD, Geoazur, (FR)
Evolution of Radar Altimeters Acquisition and Tracking
Performances over the Years
Berland, Celine ; Calvary, Philippe ; Enjolras, Vivien ; Rey, Laurent ; Le Roy, Yves ; Deschaux Beaume, Marc ; Richard, Jacques
Thales Alenia Space, (FR)
Monitoring Measurement Performance of the CryoSat SIRAL Level 2 Data Products
Muir, Alan 1; Baker, Steven 1; Brockley, David 1; Gaudelli, Julia 1; Ridout, Andy 2
Consistency and Performance of CryoSat-2 LRM and SAR Mode Data over Open Ocean
Horvath, Alexander 1; Dettmering, Denise 2; Bosch, Wolfgang 2
1Technical University Munich, (DE); 2Deutsches Geodaetisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI), (DE)
SIRAL 2 on CryoSat 2 in Flight Operational Results
REY, Laurent 1; RYS, Laurent 1; CULLEN, Robert 2
1Thales Alenia Space, (FR); 2ESTEC, (UK)
Sea Surface Height Determination In The Arctic Ocean From Cryosat-2 SAR Data, The Impact Of Using Different Empirical Retrackers
Jain, Maulik ; Andersen, Ole Baltazar ; Stenseng, Lars
DTU Space/National Space Institute, Technical University of DK, DK, (DK)
7-Year Calibration of the Envisat RA-2 Altimeter Sigma Nought
Pierdicca, Nazzareno 1; Bignami, Christian 1; Fascetti, Maurizio 1; Mazzetta, Massimo 1; Femenias, Pierre 2; Loddo, Carolina N. 3; Martini, Annalisa 3; Pinori, Sabrina 3; Roca, Monica 4; Jackson, Harry 5
1Sapienza University of Rome, (IT); 2ESA/ESRIN, (IT); 3Serco S.p.A., (IT); 4isardSAT, (ES); 5Serco FM BV, (NL)
Transponder Calibration of CryoSat-2 Datation, Range and Interferometric Phase Errors
Roca, Mònica 1; Fornari, Marco 2; Garcia, Albert 1; Reche, Mercedes 3; García, Pablo Nilo 1; Cullen, Robert 2
1isardSAT, (AD); 2ESA/ESTEC, (NL); 3Pildo Labs, (ES)
On the use of altimeter backscatter Measurements : versatile and multi-purpose Applications to address air-sea interaction Processes
Chapron, Bertrand
Ifremer, (FR)
Wind and Wave Climate of the Black Sea from Satellite Altimetry
Yilmaz, Nihal 1; Abdalla, Saleh 2
1Mugla University, (TR); 2ECMWF, (UK)
New Measurement Possibilities from the Radar Altimeter: Retrieving the Variance of Ocean Wave Slopes
Karaev, Vladimir
Institute of Applied Physics RAS, (RU)
Which is the Best Approach for Altimeter Data?
Cavaleri, Luigi
Institute ofd Marine Sciences (ISMAR), (IT)
Validation of Wind and Wave Data of Reprocessed Altimetry Products
Abdalla, Saleh
Improving the Estimation of Significant Wave Height with Coastal-oriented Altimeter Products in the Gulf of Cadiz Coastal Area
Gomez-Enri, Jesus 1; Caballero, Isabel 2; Navarro, Gabriel 2; Cipollini, Paolo 3; Villares, Pilar 1
1University of Cadiz, (ES); 2ICMAN-CSIC, (ES); 3NOCS-UK, (UK)
Extensive Comparison of numerical Wave Model Results with Altimeter and SAR Wave Data
Kim, Taerim ; Lee, Jaehyuk
Kunsan University, (ROK)
Foam Effects on Altimeter Response
Pugliese Carratelli, Eugenio 1; Ferdinando, Reale 1; Dentale, Fabio 2
1CUGRI, (IT); 2Medus, Dept Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, (IT)
On the Extreme Wave Climate Induced by Strong Northerly Winds in the Gulf of MX
Ocampo-Torres, Francisco (PACO) 1; Santiago, Gaja Ferrer 2; Bernardo, Esquivel 1; Pedro, Osuna 1
Small Scale Storm Variability and Satellite Altimeter Data
Pugliese Carratelli, Eugenio 1; Ferdinando, Reale 1; Dentale, Fabio 2; Torrisi, Lucio 3
1CUGRI, (IT); 2Medus, Dept Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, (IT); 3CNMC A - Italian Air Force, (IT)
Airborne Lidar in Support of Ocean Topography Missions and Science
Melville, Ken 1; Lenain, Luc 1; Romero, Leonel 2; Statom, Nicholas 1
1U.C. San Diego, (US); 2U.C. Santa Barbara, (US)
30 Years of Altimeter Instruments Development and 20 Years of In-Orbit Heritage at Thales Alenia Space
Richard, Jacques ; Caubet, Eric ; Phalippou, Laurent ; Rey, Laurent ; Leroy, Yves ; Taveneau, Nicolas ; Robert, Frédéric ; Enjolras, Vivien ; Calvary, Philippe ; Rys, Laurent
Thales Alenia Space, (FRANCE)
Coastal Altimetry
Towards Improved Coastal and Regional Products with Altimetry Data from Pistach Project
Labroue, Sylvie 1; Dufau, C. 1; Collard, F. 1; Peyridieu, S. 1; Dibarboure, G. 1; Guillot, A. 2; Picot, N. 2; Guinle, T. 2; Cancet, M. 3; Birol, F. 4; Le Hénaff, M. 5; Vandemark, D. 6; Strub, T. 7
1CLS, (FR); 2CNES, (FR); 3NOVELTIS, (FR); 4LEGOS, (FR); 5RSMAS, (US); 6UNH, (US); 7OSU, (US)
The New Guinea Coastal Current and Upwelling System: Seasonal Variability Inferred from Along-track Altimetry, Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll
Léger, Fabien 1; Radenac, Marie-Hélène 1; Dutrieux, Pierre 2; Menkes, Christophe 3; Eldin, Gérard 1
1LEGOS, (FR); 2BAS, Cambridge, (UK); 3IRD, Nouméa, (NC)
Using High Rate Altimeter Measurements for Coastal Studies: Example in the NW Mediterranean Sea.
Birol, Florence 1; Delebecque, Caroline 1; Roblou, Laurent 2; Morrow, Rosemary 1
Coastal Sea Surface Height Monitoring by GPS mounted on a ferryboat
Ichikawa, Kaoru 1; Morimoto, A 2; Fukudome, K 1; Yoon, JH 1; Yoshikawa, Y 1
1RIAM, Kyushu University, (JP); 2HyARC, Nagoya University, (JP)
Radar Altimetry for Monitoring of Marine and Inland Waters in Turkmenistan
Kostianoy, Andrey 1; Lebedev, Sergey 2; Solovyov, Dmytro 3
1P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, (RU); 2Geophysical Center, (RU); 3Marine Hydrophysical Institute, (UA)
Coastal Waveform Retracking for Sea Surface Height Estimates: A Fuzzy Expert System Approach
Idris, Nurul ; Deng, Xiaoli
The University of Newcastle, (AU)
Use of Coastal Satellite Altimetry in an Operational Statistical Blending Method
Madsen, Kristine ; Jacob , Høyer
Danish Meteorological Institute, (DK)
Analyzing ENVISAT RA-2 Waveforms before and after the Costa Concordia Accident near Giglio Island (Northwestern Mediterranean)
Gomez-Enri, Jesus 1; Scozzari, Andrea 2; Vignudelli, Stefano 3;
Soldovieri, Francesco 4
1University of Cadiz, (ES); 2CNR-IGG, (IT); 3CNR-IBF, (IT); 4CNR-IREA, (IT)
Seasonal and Interannual Variability in Eastern and Western Boundary Currents: Connections to the Basin-Scale Circulation and Winds
Strub, P. Ted 1; Venegas, Roberto 2; Matano, Ricardo 2; Combes, Vincent 2
1Oregon State University, (US); 2OSU, (US)
The use of coastal Altimetry to support storm surge Studies in project eSurge
Cipollini, Paolo 1; Harwood, Phillip 2; Snaith, Helen 1; Vignudelli, Stefano 3; West, Luke 1; Zecchetto, Stefano 3; Donlon, Craig 4
1National Oceanography Centre, (UK); 2Logica, (UK); 3CNR, (IT); 4ESA/ESTEC, (NL)
Monitoring the dynamics of the Agulhas Current using coastal Altimetry
Rizopoulou, Konstantina ; Cipollini , Paolo ; Quartly, Graham ; Snaith, Helen
University of Southampton, (UK)
Coastally Trapped Waves Signals and Their Thermal Impacts : Synthesis of Results from Altimetry and Models
Lazar, Alban 1; Wade, Malick 2; Polo, Irene 3; Peter, Anne-Charlotte 1; Arnault, Sabine 1; Rodriguez de Fonseca , Belen 1
1LOCEAN-IPSL, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, (FR); 2LPAOSF, ESP-Université Cheikh Anta Diopp, (SENEGAL); 3Universidad Complutense de Madrid, (ES)
Regional sea level anomaly Processing in the Gulf of Mexico
Wang, Xiaochun ; Chao , Yi
University of California, (US)
A Study on the Conformance of Altimetry and in-situ Sea Surface Data near coast in the German Bight
Fenoglio-Marc, Luciana 1; Becker, Matthias 1; Dinardo, Salvatore 2
1Institute of Physical Geodesy/Technical University Darmstadt, (DE); 2SERCO/ESRIN, EOP-SER Section, (IT)
Seasonal Sea Level Anomaly patterns over Argentine Continental Shelf
Ruiz Etcheverry, Laura A. 1; Saraceno, Martin 2
Integrated Mapping of Coastal Sea Level Using Altimetry and Tide Gauges for Monitoring Extreme Sea Levels
Deng, Xiaoli 1; Andersen, O. 2; Cheng, Y. 2; Stewart, M. 1
1The University of Newcastle, (AU); 2Technical University of DK, (DK)
CryoSat Cal/Val - Accuracy and Penetration Depth of the CryoSat SARIn product
Helm, Veit 1; Drews, Reinhard 2; Neckel, Niklas 3; Knöfel, Christoph 4; Steinhage, Daniel 1
1Alfred-Wegener-Institute, (DE); 2University Libre de Bruxelles, (BE); 3Universität Tübingen, (DE); 4TU-Dresden, (DE)
Initial Assessment of CryoSat-2 Performance over Land Ice
Shepherd, Andrew 1; Wingham, Duncan 2; Galin, Natalia 2; Ridout, Andy 2; Cullen, Robert 3
1University of Leeds, (UK); 2UCL, (UK); 3ESA/ESTEC, (NL)
Interferometric Radar Altimetry over Sea Ice Covered Regions
Armitage, Thomas ; Davidson, Malcolm
European Space Agency, (NL)
First Results of CryoSat-2 Observations of Pine Island Glacier
Galin, Natalia 1; Shepherd, Andrew 2; Wingham, Duncan 3; Muir, Alan 3; Ridout, Andrew 3; Laxon, Seymour 3; Cullen, Robert 4
1Center for Polar Observation and Modelling, (UK); 2Center for Polar Observation and Modelling, Leeds University, (UK); 3Center for Polar Observation and Modelling, UCL, (UK); 4Vega Space Ltd., (UK)
Comparison of Sea Ice Freeboard Distributions from Aircraft Data and CryoSat-2
Ricker, Robert 1; Hendricks, Stefan 1; Helm, Veit 1; Skourup, Henriette 2
1Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, (DE); 2DTU Space, (DK)
CryoSat-2 Validation over Law Dome and the Totten Glacier in East Antarctica
Watson, Christopher 1; Burgette, Reed 1; Beardsley, Jack 1; Steinhage, Daniel 2; Helm, Veit 2; Legresy, Benoit 3; Tregoning, Paul 4; Coleman, Richard 1; Roberts, Jason 5; Fricker, Helen 6
1University of Tasmania, (AU); 2Alfred Wegener Institute, (DE); 3Laboratoire d'Etudes en Geophysique et Oceanographie Spatiales, (FR); 4The AUn National University, (AU); 5Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, (AU); 6Scripps Institution of Oceanography, (US)
CryoVEx 2011-12 Airborne Campaigns for CryoSat Validation
Skourup, Henriette 1; Hvidegaard, Sine Munk 1; Forsberg, Rene 1; Einarsson, Indridi 1; Olesen, Arne Vestergaard 1; Soerensen, Louise Sandberg 1; Hendricks, Stefan 2; Helm, Veit 2; Davidson, Malcolm 3; Stenseng, Lars 1
1National Space Institute (DTU Space), (DK); 2Alfred Wegener Institute, (DE); 3ESA/ESTEC, (NL)
CryoSat Data Quality Overview
Bouzinac, Catherine 1; Parrinello, Tommaso 2; Fornari, Marco 3; Mannan, Ruby 4
Radar Penetration into snow on Arctic Sea Ice investigated during CryoVEx 2011
Willatt, Rosemary 1; Laxon, Seymour 1; Haas, Christian 2; Giles, Katharine 1; Davidson, Malcolm 3; Skourup, Henriette 4; Beckers, Justin 2; Studinger, Michael 5; Panzer, Benjamin 6; Leuschen, Carl 6
1UCL, (UK); 2University of Alberta, (CA); 3ESA/ESTEC, (NL); 4National Space Institute, DTU Space, (DK); 5NASA Goddard, (US); 6CReSIS, (US)
Present-Day Ice-Sheet Mass Balance Estimates
Shum, C.K. 1; Guo, Junyi 2; Lee, Hyongki 3; Shang, Kun 2; Duan, Jianbin 2; Howat, Ian 2; Huang, Zhenwei 2; Kuo, Chungyen 4; Yi, Yuchan 2
1Ohio State University, (US); 2Ohio State University/School of Earth Sciences, (US); 3University of Houston/Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, (US); 4National Cheng Kung University/Dept. of Geomatics, (TW)
Sea-ice and Snow Facies Classification from Envisat Altimetry Data over the Polar Regions
Tran, Ngan 1; Girard-Ardhuin, Fanny 2; Rémy, Frédérique 3; Feng, Hui 4; Féménias, Pierre 5
Preliminary Results on Algorithm and Sensor Comparisons for the Estimation of Surface Elevation Changes over Ice Caps using Altimetry Data.
Ticconi, Francesca 1; Shepherd, Andrew 1; Muir, Alan 2; Rinne, Eero 3; Paul, Frank 4
1University of Leeds, (UK); 2Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling, (UK); 3Finnish Meteorological Institute, (FI); 4University of Zurich, (CH)
A Synthesis of 9 Years of Envisat Data over the Antarctic Ice Sheet, before Altika on SARAL, as a Follow-on 35-d Mission for Ice Sheet Survey.
Remy, Frederique ; Flament, Thomas
legos/omp, (FR)
Sensitivity of Observed Elevation to Backscatter Power of Satellite Radar Altimeter over the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets
Yi, Donghui 1; Zwally, H. Jay 2; Barbieri, Kristine 3; Brenner, Anita 4; Li, Jun 1; Saba, Jack 3; DiMarzio, John 1
Simulations of the Altimetric Signal Intensity Backscattered from 2D Layered Air/Snow/Sea-ice Rough Interfaces
Dechambre, Monique 1; Dusséaux, Richard 1; Afifi, Saddek 2; Legrésy, Benoit 3
1IPSL/LATMOS, (FR); 2LAPLASO, University Badji Mokhtar Annaba, (DZ); 3LEGOS, (FR)
Distribution of Small Icebergs in the Southern Ocean based on Altimetric Waveforms Analysis and SAR images
Fujita, Carlos ; Mata, Maurício ; Arigony-Neto, Jorge
Federal University of Rio Grande, (BR)
ERS-ENVISAT Time Survey of Antarctica and Greenland Ice Sheets with Radar Altimetry.
Legresy, Benoit ; Blarel, Fabien
Validation of ERS and ENVISAT Radar Altimetry for Ice Sheets Applications
Blarel, Fabien 1; Legresy, Benoit 1; Nino, Fernando 2
Improvements to Elevation Change Calculations from Radar Altimetry Near the Edges of the Antarctic Ice Sheet.
Brenner, Anita 1; Zwally, H. Jay 2; Barbieri, Kristine 3; DiMarzio, John 4; Saba, Jack 3
1Sigma Space Corporation, (US); 2NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, (US); 3SSAI, (US); 4SGT, Inc, (US)
Elevation Change on Greenland's Jakobshavn Glacier derived from ICESat and IceBridge Data
Qi, Wenlu ; Braun, Alexander
The University of Texas at Dallas, (US)
Asian Mountain Glacier Elevation Change From ICESat Altimetry and SRTM C/X-band DEMs
Braun, Alexander 1; Qi, Wenlu 1; Duan, Jianbin 2; Cogley, J. Graham 3; Lee, Hyongki 4; Shum, C.K. 2
1The University of Texas at Dallas, (US); 2The Ohio State University, (US); 3Trent University, (CA); 4University of Houston, (US)
The Future of Altimetry
Finer, Better, Closer: Advanced Capabilities of SAR Altimetry in the Open Ocean and the Coastal Zone
Gommenginger, Christine 1; Cipollini, Paolo 1; Cotton, David 2; Dinardo, Salvatore 3; Benveniste, Jérôme 3
1National Oceanography Centre, (UK); 2Satellite Oceanographic Consultants Ltd, (UK); 3ESA/ESRIN, (IT)
Maximizing the Intrinsic Precision of Radar Altimetric Measurements
Raney, Russell Keith
Johns Hopkins University, (US)
Sentinel-3 Surface Topography Mission: Payload, Data Products and Cal/Val preparation
Femenias, Pierre 1; Rebhan, Helge 2; Donlon, Craig 2; Mavrocordatos, Constantin 2; Buongiorno, Alessandra 1
Calibrating and Validating SWOT, the Next-Generation Altimetry Mission
Rodriguez, Ernesto 1; Moller, Delwyn 2; Esteban-Fernadez, Daniel 1; Wu, Xiaoqing 1; Perkovic-Martin, Dragana 1; Carswell, James 2; Hensley, Scott 1
1Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, (US); 2Remote Sensing Solutions Inc., (US)
Reaching Sub-Centimetre Range Noise on Jason-CS with the Poseidon-4 Continuous SAR Interleaved Mode
Phalippou, Laurent 1; Caubet, Eric 1; Demeestere, Franck 1; Richard, Jacques 1; Rys, Laurent 1; Deschaux-Beaume, Marc 1; Francis, Richard 2; Cullen, Robert 2
1Thales Alenia Space, (FR); 2ESA/ESTEC, (NL)
Swim, the First Ever Spaceborne Waves Scatterometer Radar,
now under Development
Enjolras, Vivien 1; Rey, Laurent 1; Amiot, Thierry 2; Tison, Céline 2;
Castillan, Patrick 2
1Thales Alenia Space, (FR); 2CNES, (FR)
SENTINEL-3 Topography Mission Payload, Where we are.
Houpert, Alexandre 1; Mavrocordatos, Constantin 2; Rebhan, Helge 2; Donlon, Craig 2; Deschaux-Beaume, Marc 1; Gonzales, Raquel 3; Fragner, Heinz 4; Amarouche, Laiba 5
1Thales Alenia Space, (FR); 2ESTEC, (NL); 3Eads Casa Espacio, (ES); 4Ruag Space GmbH, (AT); 5CLS, (FR)
KARIN: The Ka-band Radar Interferometer for the Proposed Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission
Esteban Fernandez, Daniel ; Peral, Eva ; McWatters, Dalia ; Pollard, Brian ; Rodriguez, Ernesto ; Hughes, Richard
SRAL Latest Results on EM and PFM Models
Le Roy, Yves 1; Deschaux-Beaume, Marc 1; Borde, Franck 2; Mavrocordatos, Constantin 2
1Thales Alenia Space, (FR); 2ESTEC, (NL)
Tropical Atlantic Regional Studies using SARAL/Altika
Arnault, Sabine ; Bourlès, Bernard
CRYPTIC - Ingestion System for CryoSat-2 SAR Full Bit Rate data
Mead, Jake ; Smith, Richard G. ; Berry, Philippa A.M.
EARPS Laboratory, De Montfort University, (UK)
Exploring the Benefits of Using Cryosat's Cross-track Interferometry to improve the Resolution of Multi-satellite Mesoscale Fields
Dibarboure, Gerald 1; Le Traon, Pierre-Yves 2
1CLS, (FR); 2Ifremer, (FR)
Altimeter Constellations: Sampling Capabilities and Complementarity with SWOT
Dibarboure, Gerald 1; Escudier, Philippe 2; Pujol, Marie-Isabelle 1;
Faugere, Yannice 1
1CLS, (FR); 2CNES, (FR)
Monitoring of Wave Fields with Swim on CFOSAT
Tison, Céline 1; Amiot, Thierry 1; Hauser, Danièle 2; Castillan, Patrick 1; Corcoral, Nathalie 1; Rey, Laurent 3; Enjolras, Vivien 3; Lambin, Juliette 1
1CNES, (FR); 2CNRS, LATMOS/UVSQ, (FR); 3Thalès Alenia Space, (FR)
Altimeter Mission end-to-end Simulators: interesting Tools to assess global Performance and develop new Algorithms for future Missions
Amarouche, Laiba 1; Obligis, Estelle 1; Mercier, Franck 1; Picard, Bruno 1; Jourdain, Sylvain 1; Dubois, Pierre 1; Thibaut, Pierre 1; Frery, Marie-Laure 1; Vernier, Anne 1; Moreau, Thomas 1; Steunou, Nathalie 2; Mallet, Alain 2; Tison, Céline 2; Picot, Nicolas 2; Benveniste, Jérôme 3; Mavrocordatos, Constantin 4; Houpert, Alexandre 5
Sentinel-3 Surface Topography Mission System Performance Simulateur and Ground Prototype Processor and Topography Expertise
Amarouche, Laiba 1; Dumont, Jean-Paul 1; Sicard, Philippe 1; Obligis, Estelle 1; Valette, Jean-Jacques 1; Zanifé, Ouan-Zan 1; Blusson, Annick 1; Frery, Marie-Laure 1; Jourdain, Sylvain 1; Vernier, Anne 1; Urien, Stéphanie 1; Soulat, François 1; Thibaut, Pierre 1; Tran, Ngan 1; Houpert, Alexandre 2; Rebhan, Helge 3; Mavrocordatos, Constantin 3; Picot, Nicolas 4; Féménias, Pierre 5
1CLS, (FR); 2TAS, (FI); 3ESA/ESTEC, (NL); 4CNES, (FR); 5ESA, (IT)
Altimeter Calibration and Tectonics Inference Oceanographic Network (ACTION) for SWOT
Pavlis, Erricos C. 1; Paradissis, Demitris 2
1University of Maryland, Baltimore County, (US); 2National Technical University of Athens, (GR)
The Surface Water / Ocean Topography Mission (1): Science Processing and Data Products
Callahan, Philip S. 1; Rodriguez, Ernesto 1; Fjortoft , Roger 2
1Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US); 2CNES-DCT/SI/AR, (FR)
The SWOT Mission Concept Description
Vaze, Parag 1; Pollard, Brian 1; Lafon, Thierry 2; Albouys, Vincent 2
Poseïdon4 on Jason-CS Altimetry Mission - Altimeter Architecture, Operational Modes & Anticipated Performances.
Rys, Laurent
Thales Alenia Space, (FR)
Doppler Altimeter Data over Ocean, Processing Strategy and
Associated Performance
Moreau, Thomas 1; Amarouche, L. 1; Thibaut, P. 1; Poisson, J.-C. 1;
Boy, F. 2; Picot, N. 2
1CLS, (FR); 2CNES, (FR)
Automatic Calibration of Global Flow Routing Model Parameters in the Amazon Basin using Virtual SWOT Data.
Ricci, Sophie 1; Mouffe, Mélodie 2; Getira, Augusto 3; Lion, Christine 4; Bianamaria, Sylvain 5; Boone, Aaron 6; Mognard, Nelly 4; Rogel, Philippe 1
The Contribution of the Future Mission SWOT to improve Simulations of River Stages and Stream-aquifer Interactions at Regional Scale
Saleh, F. 1; Flipo, N. 2; Biancamaria, S. 3; Habets, F. 1; Rodríguez, E. 4;
Mognard, N. 5
1UMR-7619 Sisyphe [CNRS, UPMC, Mines-Paristech], (FR); 2Mines-ParisTech, (FR); 3LEGOS, CNRS, Toulouse, (FR); 4JPL, Cal. Tech., (US); 5LEGOS, CNES, Toulouse, (FR)
Benefits of Satellite (SWOT) and Airborne (AirSWOT) Wide-swath Altimeter to Study the Garonne River
Biancamaria, Sylvain 1; Rodríguez, Ernesto 2; Goutal, Nicole 3; Ricci, Sophie 4; Mognard, Nelly 1; Rogel, Philippe 4; Le Pape, Etienne 5
1LEGOS, (FR); 2JPL/Cal Tech, (US); 3EDF LNHE, (FR); 4CERFACS/URA1875, (FR); 5SCHAPI, (FR)
Variationnal Data Assimilation of AirSWOT and SWOT Data into the 2D Shallow Water Model DassFlow, Method and Test Case
Garambois, Pierre-André 1; Biancamaria, Sylvain 2; Monnier, Jérôme 3; Dartus, Denis 1
1IMFT Université de Toulouse, INPT, UPS, IMFT (Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse), F-3140, (FR); 2LEGOS/CNRS, Toulouse, FR, (FR); 3Mathematics Institute of Toulouse, INSA, FR, (FR)
The Impact of the Assimilation of SWOT Satellite Data into a Large Scale Hydrological Model Parametrization over the Niger Basin.
Pedinotti, Vanessa 1; Boone, Aaron 1; Mognard, Nelly 2; Ricci, Sophie 3; Biancamaria, Sylvain 2; Lion, Christine 2; Cretaux, Jean-Francois 2; Papa, Fabrice 2
Integrating Swath Altimetry with Land Surface Hydrology Models
Andreadis, Konstantinos 1; Moller, Delwyn 2; Rodriguez, Ernesto 3
1California Institute of Technology, (US); 2Remote Sensing Solutions Inc., (US); 3California I, (US)
Capability of SWOT to Measure Storage Change in Water Management Reservoirs
Clark, Elizabeth 1; Andreadis, Konstantinos 2; Moller, Delwyn 3; Lettenmaier, Dennis 1
1University of Washington, (US); 2NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US); 3Remote Sensing Solutions, (US)
Recent Progress in Development of SWOT River Discharge Algorithms
Pavelsky, Tamlin 1; Andreadis, Kostas 2; Biancamaria, Sylvain 3; Durand, Michael 4; Moller, Delwyn 5; Rodriguez, Ernesto 2; Smith, Laurence 6
1University of North Carolina, (US); 2NASA Jet Propulsion Lab, (US); 3Legos, (FR); 4Ohio State University, (US); 5Remote Sensing Solutions, Inc, (US); 6University of California Los Angeles, (US)
Fine Scale Altimetry
Shaw, Andrew 1; Challenor, Peter 1; Cipollini, Paolo 1; Graham, Kathryn 2; Cutter, Mike 2; Regan, Amanda 3; Donlon, Craig 3; Martin, Matthew 4
1National Oceanography Centre, (UK); 2Surrey Satellite Technology Limited, (UK); 3European Space Agency, (NL); 4Met Office, (UK)
Mission Applications Support at NASA
Srinivasan, Margaret 1; Peterson, Craig 2
1Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US); 2NASA Stennis Space Center, (US)
Development and Operations of Satellite Altimeter Services at EUMETSAT.
Bonekamp, Hans ; Figa, Julia ; Parisot, Francois ; Wilson, Hilary ; Dieterle, Susanne
The Sentinel-3 Mission: Overview and Status
Craig, Donlon 1; Berruti, Bruno 1; Buongiorno, Alessandra 2; Femenias, Pierre 2; Benveniste, Jérôme 2; Frerick, Johannes 1; Goryl, Philippe 2; Klein, Ulf 1; Mecklenberg, Susanne 2; Mavrocordatos, Constantin 1; Nieke, Jens 1; Rebhan, Helge 1; Seitz, Bernd 1; Stroede, Juergen 1; Sciarra, Roberto 3
Hydrology and Land Processes
Satellite Radar Altimetry over Land: a Global Perspective
Berry, Philippa A.M. ; Smith, Richard G.
EAPRS Lab, De Montfort University, (UK)
Soil Moisture from Satellite Radar Altimetry (SMALT)
Berry, Philippa A.M. 1; Dowson, Monica 2; Wagner, Wolfgang 3; Martin-Puig, Cristina 4; Smith, Richard G. 1; Benveniste, Jérôme 5
1EARPS Laboratory, De Montfort University, (UK); 2Arnesbury Ltd, (UK); 3IPF, TUWein, (AT); 4Starlab, (ES); 5ESA/ESRIN, (IT)
Radar Altimetry for glacio-hydrological research on the Tibetan Plateau
Kropacek, Jan 1; Neckel, Niklas 2
1Dresden University of Technology, (DE); 2University of Tuebingen, (DE)
Satellite Altimetry and Other Satellite and In Situ Observations for Monitoring Hydrological Regime of the Western Siberia
Zakharova, Elena
Application of the Satellite Altimetry over Terrestrial Water Body: A Case Study on Aral Sea
Singh, Alka 1; Seitz, Florian 2; Schwatke, Christian 3; Bosch , Wolfgang 3
1ESPACE Institut für Astronomische und Physikalische Geodäsie, (DE); 2ESPACE, Institute of Astronomical and Physical Geodesy, (DE); 3The German Geodetic Research Institute (DGFI), (DE)
Global Inland Water Monitoring in Near Real Time: Current Capabilities
Salloway, Mark 1; Berry, Philippa A.M. 1; Smith, Richard G. 1; Benveniste, Jérôme 2
1EAPRS Laboratory, De Montfort University, (UK); 2ESA/ESRIN, (IT)
The ESA River and Lake System: a User Analysis
Quessou, Monika 1; Berry, Philippa A.M. 1; Smith, Richard G. 1; Benveniste, Jérôme 2
1EARPS Laboratory, De Montfort University, (UK); 2ESA/ESRIN, (IT)
A Display System for Quality Assessed Inland Water Timeseries from Satellite Radar Altimetry
Robert, Balmbra ; Berry, Philippa A.M. ; Smith, Richard G.
EARPS Laboratory, De Montfort University, (UK)
Recent Developments in Hydroweb
Gennero, Marie-Claude ; Crétaux, Jean-François ; Arsen, Adalbert ; Bergé-Nguyen, Muriel ; Calmant, Stéphane ; Drolon, Vanessa ; Maisongrande, Philippe
Legos, (FR)
Monitoring of monsoon lakes level and extent variability in middle Yangtze basin using ENVISAT and JASON2 altimetry data and MR-HR satellite images
Daillet, Sylviane 1; Huber, C. 2; Gennero, M.C. 1; Lai, X. 3; Chen, X. 4; Shifeng, H. 5; Yésou, H. 2
Seasonal Variations in Altimetric Measurements from Envisat: Surfaces and Climate Conditions
Gilbert, Linda ; Gaudelli, Julia ; Baker, Steve ; Muir, Alan
River Water Stage by Altimetry over Ganga and Tributaries
Pandey, Rajesh Kumar 1; Cretaux, Jean-Francois 1; Tiwari, Virendra Mani 2; Rao, Narakula Srinivasa 2; Papa, Fabrice 1; Calmant, Stephane 1
1LEGOS/CNRS, (FR); 2NGRI, Hyderabad, (IN)
Comparison of Altimetry-derived Water Levels from Global Databases over the Amazon Basin
Frappart, Frédéric 1; Chansardon, Charles 1; Santos da Silva, Joecila 2; Calmant, Stéphane 1; Gennero, Marie-Claude 1; Seyler, Frédérique 1
1Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, (FR); 2Universidade Federal do Amazonas, (BR)
Potential Applications of Altimetry Radar on Water Resources Management in Nile River of SD
Pascual, Carlos 1; Munier, Hosham 2
1Space Technology Center, (SD); 2Faculty of Geoinformatics, (SD)
4D Water Level Variations in the Amazon Basin by satellite altimetry
Silva, Joecila 1; Calmant, Stéphane 2; Seyler, Frédérique 3; Moreira, Daniel 4; Adrien, Paris 5; Lee, Hyongki 6; Shum, C K 6; Bonnet, Marie Paule 7
1UEA, (BR); 2IRD/LEGOS, (FR); 3IRD/Espace, (FR); 4CPRM/UFRJ/IRD, (BR); 5UFRGS/IRD, (BR); 6OSU, (US); 7IRD/GET, (FR)
Kalman filter Approach for geophysical lake level Time Series using multi-mission Altimetry
Schwatke, Christian ; Bosch, Wolfgang
Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI), (DE)
Compared Variations of Argentino Lake and Brazo Rico based on satellite Altimetry including Perito Moreno Glacier Damming Events
Arsen, Adalbert 1; Abarca Del Rio, Rodrigo 2; Cretaux, Jean Francois 1; Calmant, Stephane 3
1CNES/LEGOS, (FR); 2Universidad de Concepcion, (CL); 3LEGOS/IRD, (FR)
Radar altimetry Support the Management Gauge Networks
Silva, Joecila 1; Robert, Dinilson 1; Moreira, Daniel 2; Calmant, Stéphane 3; Seyler, Frédérique 4; Oliveira, Daniel 5; Monteiro, ACLs 5
1UEA, (BR); 2CPRM,UFRJ,UT3, (BR); 3IRD, LEGOS, (FR); 4IRD, Espace DEV, (FR); 5CPRM, (BR)
Climatology and Climate Variability of Lake Carrera/Buenos Aires and Baker river Basin. A Combination of in situ, Satellite (Altimetry and Gravimetry) and model Data
Abarca del Rio, R. 1; Zambrano, G.M. 1; Crétaux, J.F. 2; Morales, L. 3; Reid, B. 4
1Departamento de Geofísica (DGEO), Universidad de concepción, (CL); 2LEGOS (UMR5566), (FR); 3Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas, Universidad de CL, (CL); 4Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia (CIEP), (CL)
Water Storage Monitoring in the Aral Sea Basin, a Transboundary Water Management Issue
Crétaux, Jean-Francois ; Bergé-Nguyen, Muriel ; Arsen, Adalbert ; Maisongrande, Philippe
Legos/CNES, (FR)
Evaluation of Multiple Satellite Altimetry Platforms for Studying Inland Water Bodies and River Floods
Jarihani, Abdollah Asadzadeh 1; Callow , John Nikolaus 1; Daylami,
Afshin Amirpoor 2
1The University of Queensland, (AU); 2Azad Islamic University, (IR, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)
Analysis of Envisat Individual Echoes over Inland Water
Witheridge, Simon ; Berry, Philippa A.M. ; Smith, Richard G.
Earth and Planetrary Remote Sensing Lab, De Montfort University, (UK)
Evaluation of CryoSat-2 Measurements for the Monitoring of
Large River Water Levels
Bercher, Nicolas ; Calmant, Stephane
UMR Legos, (FR)
On the Use of the Altimetric Virtual Gauge for Computation of River Discharge
Moore, Philip ; Birkinshaw, Stephen ; Kilsby, Christopher
Newcastle University, (UK)
A New Method to Derive River Discharge from Satellite Altimetry (ENVISAT)
Tourian, Mohammad J. ; Riegger, Johannes ; Bardossy, Andras ; Sneeuw, Nico
University of Stuttgart, (DE)
Water Level and Discharge Estimation in part of Mahanadi River and Sunderban Delta, IN Using Altimeter Data
Thakur, Praveen ; Garg, Vaibhav ; Nandy, Subrata ; S, Raghvandra
Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), (IN)
Satellite Altimeter Derived Discharge of the Ganga Brahmaputra River from 1993 to 2012.
Papa, Fabrice 1; Durand, Fabien 2; Bala, Sujit 3; Kumar Pandey, Rajesh 4; Rahman, Atiqur 5; Rossow, William B 5
1IRD, (FR); 2IRD-LEGOS, (FR); 3University of Dakha, (BD); 4Universite de Toulouse, (FR); 5NOAA-CREST, (US)
A Framework for Satellite Estimate of River Discharge Without
in Situ Measurements
Négrel, Jean ; Kosuth, Pascal
Irstea, (FR)
Simulation of River Discharge Estimates from SWOT Measurements on the Amazon Basin
Jhan Carlo, Espinoza 1; Paiva, Rodrigo 2; Bonnet, Marie-Paule 2; Collischonn, Walter 3; Biancamaria, Silvain 4; Buarque, Diogo 3; Calmant, Stéphane 4; Seyler, Frédérique 5
1Instituto Geofísico del Perú, (PE); 2GET/OMP, UMR 5563 CNRS/IRD/Université Paul Sabatier, (FR); 3Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas / Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, (BR); 4LEGOS, UMR 5564 CNES/CNRS/UT3/IRD/CNES, (FR); 5Espace, UMR IRD/UAG,UR,UM2, (FR)
Estimating river Bathymetry, Roughness, and Discharge from remote sensing Measurements of river Height on the River Severn, U.K.
Durand, Michael 1; Neal, Jeff 2; Rodríguez, Ernesto 3
1Ohio State University, (US); 2University of Bristol, (UK); 3NASA JPL, (UK)
Lake and Reservoir Water Level Measurements from ICESat Laser Altimetry
Boy, Jean-Paul 1; Carabajal, Claudia 2
1Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre, (FR); 2Sigma Space Corp. @NASA/GSFC, (US)
Automatic Calibration of a Flow Routing Scheme Constrained by
Radar Altimetry Data
Getirana, Augusto 1; Boone, Aaron 2; Mognard, Nelly 3
1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, (US); 2Meteo-FR, (FR); 3LEGOS/CNES, (FR)
Radar Altimetry for water Resources monitoring in Africa, evaluating Jason2 and ENVISAT Missions for preparing SARAL/AltiKa
Seyler, Frederique 1; Calmant, Stephane 1; Da Silva, Joecila 2; Becker, Melanie 3; Gulemvuga, Georges 4; Brunel, Damien 5; Bonnet, Marie Paule 1; Mangiarrotti, Sylvain 1
1IRD, (FR); 2UEA, (BR); 3UAG, (FR); 4CICOS, (DRC); 5BRL, (FR)
Lake Poopo bathymetry Reconstruction to assess SWOT water mask Product Accuracy
Arsen, Adalbert 1; Rodriguez, Ernesto 2; Cretaux, Jean Francois 1; Calmant, Stephane 3; Biancamaria, Sylvain 4; Mercier, Franck 5
Satellite Altimetry: A Potential Reliable Source of Information in Context of Transboundary Basin Issue
Biancamaria, Sylvain 1; Siddique-E-Akbor, A. H. M. 2; Yigzaw, Wondmagegn 3; Hossain, Faisal 3; Lettenmaier, Dennis 4; Rodríguez, Ernesto 5; Moller, Delwyn 6
1LEGOS, (FR); 2Tennessee Technological University, (US); 3TTU, (US); 4University of Washington, (US); 5JPL/Cal Tech, (US); 6Remote Sensing Solutions Inc., (US)
Reconstruction of Hydrological Archives in GF by Radar Altimetry, Hydrodynamic Modeling and Nonlinear Analysis of Time Series
Escloupier, Erwan 1; Becker, Melanie 2; Marie Joseph, Isabelle 2; Linguet, Laurent 2; Timmermann, Pierre 3; Calmant, Stephane 1; Seyler, Frederique 1
1IRD, (FR); 2UAG, (FR); 3DEAL, (FR)
Marine Geodesy, Gravity, Bathymetry and Mean Sea Surface
Error Covariance of Mean Dynamic Topography in Inverse Ocean Models
Freiwald, Grit 1; Losch, Martin 1; Schuh, Wolf-Dieter 2; Becker, Silvia 2
1Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, (DE); 2Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation, University of Bonn, (DE)
Sea Level Anomaly and Dynamic Ocean Topography Analytical Covariance Functions in the Mediterranean Sea from ENVISAT data
Vergos, Georgios ; Natsiopoulos, Dimitrios ; Tziavos, Ilias
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, (GR)
Gral: An Altimetric Mission Low-cost for Providing Ocean Gravity Models
Lequentrec-Lalancette, Marie-Françoise 1; Rouxel, Didier 2; Enjolras, Vivian 3; Richard, Jacques 3; Andersen, Ole 4; Royer, Jean-Yves 5; Maia, Marcia 5; Geli, Louis 6
1SHOM, (FR); 2SHOM , (FR); 3Thales Alenia Space, (FR); 4DTU Space, (DK); 5 Laboratoire Domaines Océaniques – UMR 6538 Institut Universitaire de la Mer (IUEM),Place Copernic, (FR); 6Ifremer, (FR)
Data and Products for Oceanography from ESA's Gravity Mission GOCE.
Bigazzi, Alberto 1; Mizzi, Loretta 2; Meloni , Marco 1; Frommknecht, Bjoern 3; Floberghagen, Rune 3; Di Nardo, Salvatore 1
1SERCO, c/o ESA/ESRIN, (IT); 2Telespazio, c/o ESA/ESRIN, (IT); 3ESA/ESRIN, (IT)
On the Incorporation of Sea Surface Topography Models in a Geoid-based Vertical Datum
Bolkas, Dimitrios 1; Fotopoulos, Georgia 1; Sideris, Michael G. 2
1The University of Texas at Dallas, (US); 2University of Calgary, (CA)
A Global Mean Ocean Circulation Estimation using GOCE Gravity Models
Knudsen, Per ; Ole, Andersen
DTU Space, (DK)
Combined Global Gravity Models including Satellite Altimetry Data
Fecher, Thomas ; Pail, Roland
Technical University Munich, (DE)
Error Budget Analysis of a Mean Dynamic Topography
Horvath, Alexander ; Pail, Roland
Technical University Munich, (DE)
Validating predicted Bathymetry: An Approach using Two-dimensional Coherence between Altimetric Gravity and Multibeam Bathymetry
Marks, K. M. ; Smith, W. H. F.
NOAA Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry, (US)
GOCE Data Quality and Instruments Performance
Meloni, Marco 1; Bigazzi, Alberto 1; Mizzi, Loretta 2; Frommknecht, Bjoern 3; Floberghagen, Rune 3
1SERCO, c/o ESA/ESRIN, (IT); 2Telespazio, c/o ESA/ESRIN, (IT); 3ESA/ESRIN, (IT)
The DTU 2010 MSS and MDT Models - Recent Development in the Arctic
Andersen, Ole Baltazar ; Knudsen, Per
DTU Space, (DK);
Towards DTU2012 Global Marine Gravity Field
Andersen, Ole Baltazar ; Knudsen, Per ; Stenseng, Lars ; Jain, Maulik
DTU Space, (DK)
Steric Sea Level Changes Using Altimetry and Gravimetry Satellites - A Case Study over Nordic Seas
Joodaki, Gholamreza ; Nahavandchi, Hossein ; Ghazavi, Kourosh
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), (NO)
Gravity of the Arctic Ocean from Satellite Altimetry: Recent
History and Status Report
McAdoo, David 1; Farrell, Sinead 2; Laxon, Seymour 3; Ridout, Andy 3; Zwally, H Jay 4; Yi , Donghui 4
1NOAA NESDIS, (US); 2University of Maryland, (US); 3University College London, (UK); 4NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, (US)
Simulation of SWOT Data from Marine Geoid Models
Lequentrec-Lalancette, Marie-Françoise 1; Salaun, Corinne 2; Rouxel, Didier 1
1SHOM, (FR); 2Laboratoire Domaines Océaniques – UMR 6538 Institut Universitaire de la Mer (IUEM), (FR);
Mean Dynamical Topography and its Impact on Ocean Circulation Estimates in Southern Ocean
Schroeter,Jens 1; Janjic, Tijana 1; Timmermann, Ralph 1; Savcenko, Roman 2; Bosch, Wolfgang 2; Albertella, Alberta 3; Rummel, Reiner 3
1AWI, (DE); 2DGFI, (DE); 3IAPG, (DE)
To What Extent are Altimetry Residuals Explained by Mass Redistribution and Steric Changes?
Rietbroek, Roelof 1; Jensen, Laura 1; Brunnabend, Sandra-Esther 2; Kusche, Jürgen 1; Schröter, Jens 2
1Bonn university, (DE); 2Alfred Wegener Institute, (DE)
Integrated Systems - Applications - Forecast - Assimilation
Large Scale Estimates of the three Oceanic Carbon Pumps
Levy, Marina 1; Bopp, Laurent 1; Karleskind, Pierre 2; Resplandy, Laure 1; Ethe, Christian 1; Pinsard, Françoise 1
Surface chlorophyll responses to Eastern and Central Pacific El Niño events using a multi-satellite analysis
Radenac, Marie-Hélène ; Léger, Fabien ; Singh, Awnesh ; Delcroix, Thierry
Surface Chlorophyll-a Distribution in the Southwestern Atlantic due to Mesoscale Eddies
Saraceno, Martin 1; Oks, David 2; Piola, Alberto, R. 3
1CONICET-UBA, (AR); 2Universidad de Buenos Aires, (AR); 3Servicio de Hidrografia Naval/UBA/CONICET, (AR)
Singular Value Decomposition of Ocean Surface Chlorophyll and Sea Level Anomalies in the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Iberian Peninsula)
Navarro, Gabriel 1; Gomez-Enri, Jesus 2; Pascual, Ananda 3; Escudier, Romain 3; Caballero, Isabel 1; Villares, Pilar 2
1ICMAN-CSIC, (ES); 2University of Cadiz, (ES); 3IMEDEA, (ES)
Some Results of dynamic Features studying in the Baltic Proper and Black Seas
Sychev, VIT
Russian State Hydrometeorological University, (RU)
Impacts of Physical Data Assimilation on the Integration of Biogeochemistry into Mercator Ocean operational systems
El Moussaoui, Abdelali 1; Perruche, Coralie 1; Gehlen, Marion 2; Ethe, Christian 2
1Mercator Ocean, (FR); 2IPSL/LCSE, UMR CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, (FR)
Can Altimetry Inform Marine Ecology?
De Monte, Silvia 1; d'Ovidio, FRsco 2; Lévy, Marina 2; Cotté, Cedric 3; Alvain, Severine 4; Weimerskirsch, Henri 5
1CNRS-Ecole Normale Supérieure, (FR); 2CNRS-LOCEAN, Paris, (FR); 3LOCEAN, Paris, (FR); 4CNRS-LOG, (FR); 5CNRS-CEBS, (FR)
Joint uses of Satellite/in-situ Observations and Drakkar Ocean Models: Atmospheric Forcing and Model Assessment.
Penduff, Thierry 1; Juza, Mélanie 2; Brodeau, Laurent 3; Barnier, Bernard 1; Treguier, Anne-Marie 4; Molines, Jean-Marc 1
1CNRS-LEGI, (FR); 2LEGI, (FR); 3Dpt Meteorology, University Stockholm, (SE); 4CNRS-LPO, (FR)
Extreme Events and Statistical Structure of Sea-level Variability: AVISO vs. Multi-resolution DRAKKAR Simulations
Penduff, Thierry 1; Juza, Mélanie 1; Sura, Philip 2
Mesoscale Variability in the Subtropical Salinity Maxima
Grodsky, Semyon
University of Maryland, (US)
Data Quality Assessment of in situ and Altimeter Observations through Two-way Intercomparison Methods
Guinehut, Stephanie ; Ablain, Michael ; Rio, Marie-Helene ; Valladeau, Guillaume ; Legeais, Jean-Francois ; Larnicol, Gilles
Circulation and Cross-Shelf Exchanges over the Shelves of Southern South America
Matano, Ricardo 1; Palma, Elbio 2; Strub, Ted 1; Combes, Vincent 1
1Oregon State University, (US); 2Universidad Nacional del Sur, (AR)
On The Nature of Buoyancy-Driven Interannual Tropical Sea Level Changes
Piecuch, Christopher ; Ponte, Rui
Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc., (US)
Mean full-depth Circulation in the northern North Atlantic in the 2000s derived from satellite Altimetry and repeat Hydrography
Sarafanov, Artem 1; Falina, Anastasia 1; Mercier, Herlé 2; Sokov, Alexey 1; Lherminier, Pascale 2; Gourcuff, Claire 2; Gladyshev, Sergey 1; Gaillard, Fabienne 2; Daniault, Nathalie 2
1P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow, (RU); 2Laboratoire de Physique des Océans, CNRS, Ifremer, IRD, UBO, Plouzané, (FR)
Surface and Subsurface Current Velocity from Satellite Altimetry and Hydrography in the North Atlantic Ocean
Lan, Wen-Hau 1; Kuo, Chung-yen 1; Chang, Chi-Hung 1; Shum, C.K. 2; Yi, Yuchan 3
1National Cheng Chung university, (TW); 2Ohio State University, (US); 3Ohio State University, (TW)
Steric Sea-level Variations in the Gulf of Cadiz Computed from Combined Databases
Gomez-Enri, Jesus 1; Laiz, Irene 1; Tejedor, Begoña 1; Aboitiz, Alazne 1; Gommenginger, Christine 2; Srokosz, Meric 2; Villares, Pilar 1
1University of Cadiz, (ES); 2NOCS-UK, (UK)
Understanding the Annual Cycle in Sea Surface Height.
Giglio, Donata 1; Roemmich, Dean 1; Sutton, Philip 2
1Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California, (US); 2National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, (NZ)
Investigating the Global Water Cycle Using Salinity Budget
Kao, Hsun-Ying ; Lagerloef, Gary
Earth and Space Research, (US)
MyOcean Eddy-permitting Global Ocean Reanalysis Product: Description and Results
Ferry, Nicolas 1; Parent, Laurent 1; Garric, Gilles 1; Barnier, Bernard 2; Molines, Jean-Marc 2; Guinehut, Stephanie 3; Mulet, Sandrine 3; Haines, Keith 4; Valdivieso, Maria 4; Masina, Simona 5; Storto, Andrea 5
Sea Level Estimates of the ECCO Central Production
Fukumori, Ichiro 1; Heimbach, Patrick 2; Ponte, Rui M. 3; Lee, Tong 4; Forget, Gael 2; Wunsch, Carl 2
1Jet Propulsion Lab/Caltech, (US); 2MIT, (US); 3AER, (US); 4JPL, (US)
Regional High Resolution Reanalysis Covered European North East Shelf
Benkiran, Mounir 1; Chanut, Jérôme 2; Greiner , Eric 1; Drillet, Yann 2
1CLS, (FR); 2Mercator Ocean, (FR)
Use of ECMWF and Mercator Reanalyses for Decadal Prediction Systems Initialisation
Rogel, Philippe 1; Ferry, Nicolas 2
Observation sensitivity Studies at Mercator Océan: a Contribution to GODAE OceanView
Remy, Elisabeth 1; Ninove, Floriane 1; Ferry, Nicolas 2; Benkir, Mounir 3
1Mercator Ocean, (FR); 2Météo FR, (FR); 3CLS, (FR)
Quarterly Ocean VAlidation DISplay (QUOVADIS): a Quarterly Scientific Quality Bulletin for Mercator Ocean Operational Systems.
Desportes, Charles ; Drévillon, Marie ; Régnier, Charly
Mercator Ocean, (FR)
New Altimeter Products for Model Assessment and Data Assimilation
Dufau, Claire 1; Rio, Marie-Helene 1; Pujol, Isabelle 1; Faugere, Yannice 1; Labroue, Sylvie 1; Drillet, Yann 2; BenkIR, Mounir 1; Dobricic, Srdjan 3; Oddo, Paolo 4; Guinle, Thierry 5
1CLS, (FR); 2Mercator-Ocean, (FR); 3INGV, (IT); 4CMCC, (IT); 5CNES, (FR)
Use of GOCE MDT and Error Information in NEMOVAR a Variational Data Assimilation Scheme for NEMO
Lea, Daniel 1; Bingham, Rory 2; Haines, Keith 3; Martin, Matthew 1
1Met Office, (UK); 2Newcastle University, (UK); 3University of Reading, (UK)
Altimeter Data Assimilation into Ocean Models: Robustness of the Incremental 4DVAR for Strongly Eddy-active Ocean Circulations
Bouttier, Pierre-Antoine 1; Blayo, Eric 2; Verron, Jacques 1
1CNRS, (FR); 2Université Joseph Fourier, (FR)
Accounting for Spatial Error Correlations in Altimetric Data Assimilation
Cosme, Emmanuel 1; Brankart, Jean-Michel 2; Ubelmann, Clement 3; Verron, Jacques 2; Brasseur, Pierre 2
1Joseph Fourier University, (FR); 2CNRS/LEGI, (FR); 3NASA/JPL, (US)
Monitoring marine Debris from the March 11, 2011 Tsunami in JP with the diagnostic Model of surface Currents
Maximenko, Nikolai ; Hafner, Jan
University of Hawaii, (US)
Overview of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversation capabilities, using Mercator GLORYS2v1 Reanalysis
Hernandez, Fabrice 1; Durand, Edmée 2; Ferry, Nicolas 2; Chayriguet, Aude 2
1IRD/Mercator Océan, (FR); 2Mercator Océan, (FR)
WMO Requirements for Satellite Radar Altimetry
Bojinski, Stephan ; Grabs, Wolfgang ; Lee, Boram ; Charpentier, Etienne
World Meteorological Organization, (CH)
Oceanography - Large Scale
Sea Surface Height Variability in the Gulf of TH and South CN Sea using altimetry Data : A Preliminary Study
Niemnil, Sommart 1; Naeije, Marc 2; Trisirisatayawong, Itthi 3
1Royal Thai Naval Academy, (TH); 2TU DELFT, (NL); 3Chulalongkorn University, (TH)
Observations of BR Current baroclinic transport near 22°S: Variability from the AX97 XBT Transect and Satellite Altimetry
Mata, Mauricio M. 1; CIRo, Mauro 2; van Caspel, Mathias R. 1; Fonteles, Caio S. 1; Goñi, Gustavo 3; Baringer, Molly 3
1Federal University of Rio Grande-FURG, (BR); 2Federal University of Bahia-UFBa, (BR); 3NOAA, (US)
Investigation of the Interannual Variability of the Tropical Atlantic Ocean from Satellite Data
Arnault, Sabine 1; Melice, Jean Luc 2
1IRD, (FR); 2locean/ipsl, (FR)
Interannual Variability of Tropical Warm Pools in Remote Sensing Based and ECCO-assimilated Oceanographic Data Sets
Mehta, Vikram ; Wang, Hui
Center for Research on the Changing Earth System, (US)
Large-scale Interannual Variability of Sea Level and Water Mass Properties in the Southeast Pacific
Volkov, Denis 1; Zlotnicki, Victor 2
1UCLA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US); 2Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US)
Seasonal Coupling in the Gulf Stream Region between the Atmosphere and the Ocean
Thompson, LuAnne 1; Kelly, Kathryn 1; Booth, James 2; Menemenlis, Dimitris 3
1University of Washington, (US); 2Columbia University, (US); 3Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US)
A 20-Year Satellite Climatology of Ocean Circulation in the Northern Indian Ocean
Strub, Paul Ted 1; Somayajulu, Y.K. 2; Dhage, Laxmikant 3; Venegas, Roberto 1
1Oregon State University, (US); 2National Institute of Oceanography, (IN); 3Oregon State University, (IN);
Detection of the MJO Signal from Altimetry in the Indian Ocean
Bulusu, SUBRAHMANYAM ; Grunseich, Gary
University of South Carolina, (US)
Patterns of Indo-Pacific Inter-basin Sea Level Change During Recent Decades
Han, Weiqing 1; Gerald , Meehl 2; Aixue , Hu 2; Yamagata, Toshio 3; Deser, Clara 2; Alexander, Michael 4; McWilliams, James 5; Hamlington, Benjamin 1; Leben, Robert 1; Ishii, Masayoshi 6
1University of Colorado, (US); 2National Center for Atmospheric Research, (US); 3University of Tokyo, (JP); 4NOAA, (US); 5UCLA, (US); 6JAMSTEC, (JP)
The Azores and St. Helena Currents from Two Decades of Satellite Altimetry: Inspecting their Congeneracy and Roles in the Subtropical Atlantic
Lazaro, Clara 1; Juliano, Manuela F. 2; Fernandes, Joana 1; Nunes, Alexandra L. 3; Salgado, Miguel 1
1Universidade do Porto, Fac. Ciencias; CIMAR-LA, CIIMAR-UP, (PT); 2Universidade dos Acores; CIMAR-LA, (PT); 3Inst. Politecnico do Porto, ISEP; CIMAR-LA, CIIMAR-UP, (PT)
Dynamics of SST Anomalies in the Southern Ocean Diagnosed from a 2D Mixed-layer Model with Advection Prescribed from Altimetry
Vivier, Frederic 1; Iudicone, Daniele 2; Park, Young-Hyang 3
Variability of the ACC Transport Across the Kerguelen Plateau
Vivier, Frederic 1; Park, Young-Hyang 2; Sekma, Hela 2
Definition of Special Position of the Southern Ocean and Antarctic Circumpolar Current Boundaries Based on Remote Sensing Data
Lebedev, Sergey
Geophysical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, (RU)
Contribution of Satellite Altimetry to Investigate the Variability of the MOC in the South Atlantic
Goni, Gustavo 1; Dong, Shenfu 2; Garzoli, Silvia 1; Bringas, Francis 1; Baringer, Molly 1
1National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (US); 2University of Miami and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (US)
An Oceanic Heat Budget for Interannual Variability in the Northeast Pacific Ocean estimated from a One-dimensional Model and Sat
Springer, Scott ; Lagerloef, Gary
Earth & Space Research, (US)
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Monitoring Using Multi-mission Satellite Radar Altimetry and Other Observations
Kuo, Chung-yen 1; Shum, C.K. 2; Yi, Yuchan 2; Rashid, Harunur 2; Wan, Junkun 2
1National Cheng Chung University, (TW); 2Ohio State University, (US)
Drake Passage: Circulation, Modes of variability, heat Fluxes and volume Transport revisited using new in situ time Series and satellite Altimetry.
Ferrari, Ramiro 1; Provost, Christine 1; Sennéchael, Nathalie 1; Lee, Jae-Hak 2; Park , Young-Hyang 1; Garric, Gilles 3
1UPMC/LOCEAN, (FR); 2KORDI, Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute, (ROK); 3Mercator Ocean, (FR)
Investigation of Mediterranean Mean Sea Level Variability from Satellite Altimetry
Haddad, Mahdi ; Taibi, Habib ; Rami, Ali
Centre of Space Techniques, (DZ)
On the Surface Circulation of the Levantine Sub-basin Derived from Lagrangian Drifters and Satellite Altimetry Data
Milena, Menna 1; Pierre-Marie, Poulain 1; George, Zodiatis 2; Isaac, Gertman 3
1OGS, (IT); 2OC-UCY, (CY); 3IOLR, (IL)
Decadal Variability of Net Water Flux at the Mediterranean Sea Gibraltar Strait
Fenoglio-Marc, Luciana 1; Mariotti, Annarita 2; Sannino, Gian Maria 3; Meyssignac, Benoit 4; Carillo, Adriana 3; Struglia, Adriana 3; Rixen, Michael 5; Grayek, Sebastian 6; Rietbroek, Roelof 7; Becker, Matthias 8; Kusche, Juergen 7; Stanev, Emil 6
1Technical University Darmstadt, (DE); 2NOAA, (US); 3ENEA, (IT); 4LEGOS/CNES, (FR); 5WMO, (CH); 6Institute for Coastal Research, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, (DE); 7Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Bonn University, (DE); 8Institute of Physical Geodesy, Technical University Darmstadt, (DE)
Interannual Variability of the Black Sea Level Basing on the Radar Altimetry
Lebedev, Sergey 1; Lebedev, Sergey 2; Kostianoy, Andrey 3; Ginzburg , Anna 3; Sheremet , Nikolay 3
1Geophysical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, (RU); 2Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,(RU); 3P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, (RU)
Estimation of the Geophysical Parameters and the Orbital Error Effect on the Altimetric Measurements for Sea Surface Height Determination
Rami, Ali ; Haddad, Mahdi ; Kahlouche, Salem
Centre of Space Techniques, (DZ)
Seasonal and Inter-seasonal Variations of the Geostrophic Flow from Altimetry and GOCE
Sánchez-Reales, Jose Maria 1; Vigo, Isabel 1; Trottini, Mario 1; Chao, Ben Fong 2
1University of Alicante, (ES); 2Academia Sinica, (TW)
Meridional Rossby Wave Fronts and Vortices from AVISO Altimeter Data
Polito, Paulo Simionatto ; Sato, Olga Tiemi
Instituto Oceanográfico da Univ. de São Paulo Pca do Oceanográfico, (BR)
Oceanography - Mean Sea Level Trends
Sea Level and Ocean Circulation in the high latitude seas and the Arctic Ocean
Johannessen, Johnny A. 1; Stammer, Detlef 2; Cazenave, Anny 3; Andersen, Ole Baltesar 4; Knudsen, Per 4; Koldunov, Nikolay 2; Henri, Olivier 3; Prandi, Pierre 5; Fosberg, Rene 4; Raj, Roshin 1
1Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, (NO); 2University of Hamburg, (DE); 3LEGOS, (FR); 4DTU, (DK); 5CLS, (FR)
Tide Gauge-based Sea Level Variations Since 1950 along the Norwegian and Russian Coasts of the Arctic Ocean
Henry, Olivier 1; Prandi, Pierre 2; Llovel, William 3; Cazenave, Anny 4; Jevregeva, Svetlana 5; Stammer, Detlef 6; Meyssignac, Benoit 4; Koldunov, Nikolay 6
1LEGOS/CNRS, (FR); 2CLS, (FR); 3Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US); 4LEGOS/CNES, (FR); 5National Oceanography Centre, (UK); 6University of Hambourg, (DE)
Multi-model Reliability Estimates of Decadal Sea-level Trend Hindcasts
Rogel, Philippe 1; Salas Y Melia, David 2
1CERFACS, (FR); 2Météo-FR, (FR)
Timescales for Detecting a Significant Acceleration in Sea-level Rise
Haigh, Ivan 1; Pattiaratchi, Charitha 1; Wahl , Thomas 2; Price , René 3
1University of Western AU, (AU); 2University of Siegen, (DE); 3Florida International University, (US)
Sea Level Reconstruction: Exploration of Methods for Combining Altimetry with Other Data to beyond the 20-year Altimetric Record
Svendsen, Peter ; Andersen, Ole B. ; Nielsen, Allan A.
DTU Space, (DK)
The 2011 La Niña: So Strong, the Oceans Fell
Boening, Carmen 1; Willis, Josh 1; Landerer, Felix 1; Nerem,
R. Steven 2; Fasullo, John 3
1JPL/Caltech, (US); 2CCAR, (US); 3NCAR, (US)
Global and Regional Sea Level Change
Schroeter, Jens1; Wenzel, Manfred1; Bosch, Wolfgang2; Savcenko, Roman2
1AWI, (DE); 2DGFI, (DE)
Recent Change of thermosteric sea Level and its Contribution to the sea Level Change measured from Satellite Altimetry
Fukuda, Yoshikazu ; Ito, Wataru ; Nakano, Toshiya ; Ishizaki, Shiro ; Kuragano, Tsurane
JP Meteorological Agency, (JP)
Advances in Climate Monitoring Using a Consistent Sea Level Record from 1900 to Present
Hamlington, Benjamin 1; Leben, Robert 1; Kim, Kwang-Yul 2
1University of Colorado at Boulder, (US); 2Seoul National University, (ROK)
Error Characterization of the Global and Regional Mean Sea Level Evolution for Climate Applications.
Ablain, Michaël 1; Larnicol, Gilles 1; Faugere, Yannice 1; Cazenave, Anny 2; Meyssignac, Benoit 2; Picot, Nicolas 3; Benveniste, Jérôme 4
Estimating ENSO Influence on the Global Mean Sea Level During 1993-2010
Cazenave, Anny 1; Henry, Olivier 1; Munier, Simon 2; Meyssignac, Benoit 2; Delcroix, Thierry 1; Llovel, William 3; Palanisamy, Hindumathi 2; Gordon, Arnold 4
Sixty years of regional sea level variability and its coastal impacts with focus on Caribbean Sea, South CN Sea and INn Ocean
Palanisamy, Hindumathi 1; Meyssignac, Benoit 2; Peng, Dongju 1; Cazenave, Anny 2; Becker, Melanie 3
1LEGOS/CNRS, (FR); 2LEGOS/CNES, (FR); 3University of Cayenne, (GF)
Sea Level Rise and Subsidence in the Delta Areas of the Gulf of TH
Naeije, Marc 1; Simons, Wim 1; Trisirisatayawong, Itthi 2; Satirapod, Chalermchon 2; Niemnil, Sommart 3
1TUDelft, (NL); 2Chulalongkorn University, (TH); 3Royal Thai Naval Academy, (TH)
Long-Term Sea Level Change From Satellite Altimetry and Tide Gauges in the IDn Region
Fenoglio-Marc, Luciana 1; Schöne, Tilo 2; Illigner, Julia 2; Becker, Matthias 3; Khafid, C 4; Subarya, C. 4
1Technical Unversity Darmstadt, (DE); 2GFZ, (DE); 3TUD, (DE); 4Bakosurtanal, (ID)
Sea Level Changes in the Arctic Ocean
Cheng, Yongcun ; Andersen, Ole Baltazar ; Knudsen, Per
DTU Space, National Space Institute, (DK)
Determining and Modelling Sea Level Change in the Caribbean Using Satellite Altimetry
Jaggan, Sandesh ; Davis, Dexter
University of the West Indies, (TT)
Oceanography - Mesoscale
Objective Identification and Tracking of Mesoscale Eddies
Beron-Vera, Francisco 1; Wang, Yan 1; Olascoaga, Maria 1; Haller, George 2; Goni, Gustavo 3
1RSMAS, University of Miami, (US); 2McGill University, (CA); 3AOML, NOAA, (US)
Forecasting Sudden Changes in the Shape of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill using LCS-core Analysis
Olascoaga, Maria 1; Haller, George 2
1RSMAS, University of Miami, (US); 2McGill University, (CA)
Southwestern Atlantic Ocean: Estimating the Eddy Kinetic Energy and Momentum Flux Fields from Altimetry
Rota de Oliveira, Leopoldo ; Almeida de Souza, José Francisco ; Lima de Azevedo, José Luiz ; Magalhães Mata, Mauricio
Eddy Activity at Three Major Southern Hemisphere Western Boundary current Systems from Satellite Altimetry.
Pilo, Gabriela S. ; Mata, Mauricio M. ; Azevedo, Jose Luis Lima de
FURG - Federal University of Rio Grande, (BR)
Probability Density Functions And Higher Order Statistics of Large-Scale Geostrophic Velocity Estimates And Sea Surface Height
Scharffenberg, Martin G. ; Biri, Stavroula ; Stammer, Detlef
IFM -Hamburg, (DE)
Temporal Change of Eddy Variability
Biri, Stavroula ; Stammer, Detlef
Institut fuer Meereskunde, (DE)
Ocean Eddy Effect on Atmosphere in Vicinity of Sea Surface Temperature Fronts
Liu, Qinyu
Ocean University of CN, (CN)
Western Boundary Currents and Associated Mesoscale Activity in the Solomon Sea as Observed from Altimetry and Gliders
Gourdeau, Lionel 1; Babonneix, Antoine 1; Kessler, William 2; Melet, Angelique 3; Davis, Russ 4
1LEGOS/IRD, (FR); 2NOAA/PMEL, (US); 3LEGI, (FR); 4Scripps, (US)
Monitoring of a Stationary and Seasonal Anticyclonic Eddy by Means of Remote Sensing Data
Caballero, Ainhoa 1; Ferrer, Luis 1; Rubio, Anna 1; Taylor, Ben H. 2
1AZTI-Tecnalia, (ES); 2Plymouth Marine Laboratory, (UK)
On the Joint Use of High Resolution Tracer Images and Altimetric Data for the Control of Ocean Circulations
Gaultier, Lucile ; Verron, Jacques ; Brasseur, Pierre ; Brankart, Jean-Michel
A New Census of Eddies in the Western Mediterranean Sea
Escudier, Romain 1; Pascual, A. 1; Chelton, D. B. 2; Schlax, M. G. 2; Tintoré, J. 1
1IMEDEA(CSIC-UIB), (ES); 2Oregon State University, (US)
Recent Advances on Mesoscale Variability in the Western Mediterranean: Complementarity Between Altimetry and Other Sensors
Pascual, Ananda 1; Bouffard, J. 2; Ruiz, S. 1; Buongiorno Nardelli, B. 3; Escudier, R. 1; Tintoré, J. 1
Interannual Variability of Eddy Kinetic Energy in Three Major Western Boundary Currents Systems of the Southern Hemisphere
Fonteles, Caio ; Mata, Mauricio
Federal University of Rio Grande – FURG, (BR)
Validation of Eddies Representation in the Mercator-ocean Global Eddy-resolving Model (1/12) with Altimetry estimates.
Bricaud, Clement ; Bourdallé-Badie, Romain ; Drillet, Yann ; Garric, Gilles ; Le Galloudec, Olivier
Mercator-Ocean, (FR)
Global Variability of the Wavenumber Spectrum of Oceanic Mesoscale Turbulence- Revisited
Xu, Yongsheng 1; Fu, Lee-Lueng 2
1Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (CN); 2Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US)
Contribution from Altimetry to the Study of Meso and Submesoscale Oceanic Eddies: A Regional Application to the Bay of Biscay.
Dussurget, Renaud 1; Birol, Florence 2; Morrow, Rosemary A. 2
Exploring the Observability of Altimetry from a High Resolution Numerical Model of the Salomon Sea
Djath, Bughsin 1; Verron, Jacques 1; Molines, Jean-Marc 1; Gourdeau, Lionel 2; Barnier, Bernard 1; Melet, Angélique 3
1LEGI/CNRS, Grenoble, (FR); 2LEGOS/IRD, Toulouse, (FR); 3GFDL, (US)
Jets, Rossby Waves and Eddies off California
Ivanov, Leonid ; Collins, Curtis ; Margolina, Tetyana
Naval Postgraduate School, (US)
Characterization of SSH and SST wavenumber Spectral Slopes over the global Ocean
Autret, Emmanuelle ; Chapron, Bertrand
Ifremer, (FR)
A 34-Year Historical and Altimetric Perspective of Loop Current Intrusion and Eddy Separation in the Gulf of MX
Leben, Robert ; Hall, Cody ; LoDolce, Gabriel
CCAR/ University of Colorado Boulder, (US)
The Wavenumber Spectrum of SSH in the Caribbean Sea
Zaron, Edward 1; Ray, Richard 2
1Portland State University, (US); 2NASA/GSFC, (US)
Oceanic Energy Spectra and Fluxes at Mesoscale and Submesoscale
Kim, Sung Yong
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, (US)
Oceanography - Tides - Internal Tides and High Frequency Processes
Comparison of global and regional Tide Models using Data from Satellite Altimeters and Tide Gauges in the Northeast Sector......
Oreiro, Fernando 1; Fiore, Monica 1; D'Onofrio, Enrique 1; Grismeyer, Walter 1; Saraceno, Martin 2
1Instituto de Geodesia y Geofísica Aplicadas (UBA), Servicio de Hidrografía Naval, Ministerio de Defe, (AR); 2Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmosfera (CONICET) - UBA. IFAECI, CNRS/CONICET-UBA, (AR)
Ocean Response to Storms in the Bay of Biscay: Sensitivity to Atmospheric Forcing and Impact of Altimetric Data Assimilation
Ayoub, Nadia 1; De Mey, Pierre 1; Lamouroux, Julien 2; Herbert, Gaelle 3; Marsaleix, Patrick 4; Lyard, Florent 1; Nguyen, Cyril 4
1LEGOS/CNRS, (FR); 2Noveltis, (FR); 3LEGOS/University of Toulouse, (FR); 4Laboratoire d'Aérologie/CNRS, (FR)
Monitoring Sea Level by Tide Gauges and GPS at Estartit and Barcelona Sites for Altimeter Calibration Campaigns
Martinez-Benjamin, Juan Jose 1; Gili, J. 1; Lopez, R. 1; Tapia, A. 1; Bosch, E. 2; Perez, B. 3; Pros, F. 4
1Technical University of Catalonia, (ES); 2Cartographic Institute of Catalonia, (ES); 3Puertos del Estado, (ES); 4Autoritat Portuaria de Barcelona, (ES)
Flood Wave Propagation Model of the Caspian Sea Based on
Satellite Altimetry Data
Lebedev, Sergey
Russian Academy of Sciences, (RU)
Satellite Altimeter view of Tropical Cyclone "Thane"
Swain, Debadatta ; Sasamal, S K
National Remote Sensing Centre, ISRO, (IN)
Ocean Tide Modeling from Satellite Altimetry: the Challenge in the Arctic Ocean
Cheng, Yongcun ; Andersen, Ole Baltazar
DTU Space, National Space Institute, (DK)
The Annual Signal in the Arctic Ocean: Implications for Ocean Tides and Mean Sea Surface Determination
Cheng, Yongcun ; Andersen, Ole Baltazar
DTU Space, Juliane Maries vej 30, (DK)
Shallow water Tides on the Patagonian Shelf and Yellow Sea
Savcenko, Roman ; Bosch, Wolfgang ; Rieck, Daniel
Improved Coastal Ocean Tide Modeling Using Satellite Altimetry
Fok, Hok Sum 1; Shum, C.K. 2; Yi, Yuchan 2; Iz, H. Baki 3; Matsumoto, Koji 4
1Ohio State University, (US); 2Division of Geodetic Science, School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University, (US); 3Dept. of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, HK Polytechnic University, (HK); 4Astrogeodynamic Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of JP, (JP)
Unexpected Contributions of Satellite Radar Altimetry to Tsunami Research
Song, Y. Tony 1; Fu, Lee-Lueng 1; Fukumori, Ichiro 1; Shum, C.K. 2; Yi, Yuchan 2; Zlotnicki, Victor 1
1Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US); 2Ohio State University, (US)
Altimetry Products and their users: feedback from Aviso
Rosmorduc, Vinca 1; Bronner, Emilie 2; Gasc, Monique 1; Maheu, Caroline 1; Mertz, Françoise 1
1CLS, (FR); 2CNES, (FR)
Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox: tools to use altimetry
Rosmorduc, Vinca 1; Benveniste, Jérôme 2; Bronner, Emilie 3; Niemeijer, Sander 4
1CLS, (FR); 2ESA/ESRIN, (IT); 3CNES, (FR); 4Science & Technology, (NL)
GOCE User Toolbox and Tutorial
Knudsen, Per 1; Benveniste, Jérôme 2
1DTU Space, (DK); 2ESA/ESRIN, (IT)
CTOH: 20 Years of Altimeter Data
Fleury, Sara 1; Morrow, Rosemary 2; Nino, Fernando 1; Birol, Florence 2
SPACYBA, a Website dedicated to distributing Satellite Data and processing Tools for Hydrology
Calmant, Stephane 1; Seyler, Frederique 2; Silva, Joecila 3; Leon, Juan Gabriel 4
1IRD/LEGOS, (FR); 2IRD/Espace, (FR); 3UEA/CESTU, (BR); 4Univ of CO, Palmira, (CO)
SENTINEL-3 Payload Data Ground Segment (PDGS) Overview
Nogueira Loddo, Carolina 1; Fournier-Sicre, Vincent 2; Santacesaria, Vincenzo 2; Løvstad, Jan 2; Wilson, Hilary 2; Buongiorno, Alessandra 3; Sciarra, Roberto 4; Santella, Carla 4; Monjoux, Eric 3
Access to ESA Radar Altimetry Data
Sirikan, Nityaporn ; Jutz, Simon
Progress in OSTM/Jason-2 Science Application Study and Data Discovery/Access Tools Development at NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC)
Zhang, Yongsheng1; Byrne, Deirdre2; Li, Yuanjie3; Casey, Kenneth2
Multimedia Contents, Interactive Features and Social Network Tools all in One. How Far this Synergy can Improve Learning of Complex Topics as Altimetry?
Recchioni, Marco 1; Daniel Pelini, Antonio 1; Ranieri, Livia 1; Benveniste, Jérôme 2
1Gruppo Dida, (ITALY);2ESA/ESRIN, (ITALY)
Status and Perspectives on Education and Outreach in Radar Altimetry
Souyris, Jean-Claude 1; Boy, Francois 1; Bronner, Emilie 1; Fjortoft, Roger 1; Sarti, Francesco 2; Morrow, Rosemary 3; Rosmorduc, Vinca 4; Mouratidis, Antonios 2; Dinardo, Salvatore 5; Manuel Lucas, Bruno 6; Benveniste, Jérôme 2
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