Hydrology and Land Processes |
Satellite Radar Altimetry over Land: a Global Perspective |
Berry, Philippa A.M. ; Smith, Richard G. |
EAPRS Lab, De Montfort University, (UK) |
Soil Moisture from Satellite Radar Altimetry (SMALT) |
Berry, Philippa A.M. 1; Dowson, Monica 2; Wagner, Wolfgang 3; Martin-Puig, Cristina 4; Smith, Richard G. 1; Benveniste, Jérôme 5 |
1EARPS Laboratory, De Montfort University, (UK); 2Arnesbury Ltd, (UK); 3IPF, TUWein, (AT); 4Starlab, (ES); 5ESA/ESRIN, (IT) |
Radar Altimetry for glacio-hydrological research on the Tibetan Plateau |
Kropacek, Jan 1; Neckel, Niklas 2 |
1Dresden University of Technology, (DE); 2University of Tuebingen, (DE) |
Satellite Altimetry and Other Satellite and In Situ Observations for Monitoring Hydrological Regime of the Western Siberia |
Zakharova, Elena |
Application of the Satellite Altimetry over Terrestrial Water Body: A Case Study on Aral Sea |
Singh, Alka 1; Seitz, Florian 2; Schwatke, Christian 3; Bosch , Wolfgang 3 |
1ESPACE Institut für Astronomische und Physikalische Geodäsie, (DE); 2ESPACE, Institute of Astronomical and Physical Geodesy, (DE); 3The German Geodetic Research Institute (DGFI), (DE) |
Global Inland Water Monitoring in Near Real Time: Current Capabilities |
Salloway, Mark 1; Berry, Philippa A.M. 1; Smith, Richard G. 1; Benveniste, Jérôme 2 |
1EAPRS Laboratory, De Montfort University, (UK); 2ESA/ESRIN, (IT) |
The ESA River and Lake System: a User Analysis |
Quessou, Monika 1; Berry, Philippa A.M. 1; Smith, Richard G. 1; Benveniste, Jérôme 2 |
1EARPS Laboratory, De Montfort University, (UK); 2ESA/ESRIN, (IT) |
A Display System for Quality Assessed Inland Water Timeseries from Satellite Radar Altimetry |
Robert, Balmbra ; Berry, Philippa A.M. ; Smith, Richard G. |
EARPS Laboratory, De Montfort University, (UK) |
Recent Developments in Hydroweb |
Gennero, Marie-Claude ; Crétaux, Jean-François ; Arsen, Adalbert ; Bergé-Nguyen, Muriel ; Calmant, Stéphane ; Drolon, Vanessa ; Maisongrande, Philippe |
Legos, (FR) |
Monitoring of monsoon lakes level and extent variability in middle Yangtze basin using ENVISAT and JASON2 altimetry data and MR-HR satellite images |
Daillet, Sylviane 1; Huber, C. 2; Gennero, M.C. 1; Lai, X. 3; Chen, X. 4; Shifeng, H. 5; Yésou, H. 2 |
Seasonal Variations in Altimetric Measurements from Envisat: Surfaces and Climate Conditions |
Gilbert, Linda ; Gaudelli, Julia ; Baker, Steve ; Muir, Alan |
MSSL, (UK) |
River Water Stage by Altimetry over Ganga and Tributaries |
Pandey, Rajesh Kumar 1; Cretaux, Jean-Francois 1; Tiwari, Virendra Mani 2; Rao, Narakula Srinivasa 2; Papa, Fabrice 1; Calmant, Stephane 1 |
1LEGOS/CNRS, (FR); 2NGRI, Hyderabad, (IN) |
Comparison of Altimetry-derived Water Levels from Global Databases over the Amazon Basin |
Frappart, Frédéric 1; Chansardon, Charles 1; Santos da Silva, Joecila 2; Calmant, Stéphane 1; Gennero, Marie-Claude 1; Seyler, Frédérique 1 |
1Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, (FR); 2Universidade Federal do Amazonas, (BR) |
Potential Applications of Altimetry Radar on Water Resources Management in Nile River of SD |
Pascual, Carlos 1; Munier, Hosham 2 |
1Space Technology Center, (SD); 2Faculty of Geoinformatics, (SD) |
4D Water Level Variations in the Amazon Basin by satellite altimetry |
Silva, Joecila 1; Calmant, Stéphane 2; Seyler, Frédérique 3; Moreira, Daniel 4; Adrien, Paris 5; Lee, Hyongki 6; Shum, C K 6; Bonnet, Marie Paule 7 |
1UEA, (BR); 2IRD/LEGOS, (FR); 3IRD/Espace, (FR); 4CPRM/UFRJ/IRD, (BR); 5UFRGS/IRD, (BR); 6OSU, (US); 7IRD/GET, (FR) |
Kalman filter Approach for geophysical lake level Time Series using multi-mission Altimetry |
Schwatke, Christian ; Bosch, Wolfgang |
Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI), (DE) |
Compared Variations of Argentino Lake and Brazo Rico based on satellite Altimetry including Perito Moreno Glacier Damming Events |
Arsen, Adalbert 1; Abarca Del Rio, Rodrigo 2; Cretaux, Jean Francois 1; Calmant, Stephane 3 |
1CNES/LEGOS, (FR); 2Universidad de Concepcion, (CL); 3LEGOS/IRD, (FR) |
Radar altimetry Support the Management Gauge Networks |
Silva, Joecila 1; Robert, Dinilson 1; Moreira, Daniel 2; Calmant, Stéphane 3; Seyler, Frédérique 4; Oliveira, Daniel 5; Monteiro, ACLs 5 |
1UEA, (BR); 2CPRM,UFRJ,UT3, (BR); 3IRD, LEGOS, (FR); 4IRD, Espace DEV, (FR); 5CPRM, (BR) |
Climatology and Climate Variability of Lake Carrera/Buenos Aires and Baker river Basin. A Combination of in situ, Satellite (Altimetry and Gravimetry) and model Data |
Abarca del Rio, R. 1; Zambrano, G.M. 1; Crétaux, J.F. 2; Morales, L. 3; Reid, B. 4 |
1Departamento de Geofísica (DGEO), Universidad de concepción, (CL); 2LEGOS (UMR5566), (FR); 3Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas, Universidad de CL, (CL); 4Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia (CIEP), (CL) |
Water Storage Monitoring in the Aral Sea Basin, a Transboundary Water Management Issue |
Crétaux, Jean-Francois ; Bergé-Nguyen, Muriel ; Arsen, Adalbert ; Maisongrande, Philippe |
Legos/CNES, (FR) |
Evaluation of Multiple Satellite Altimetry Platforms for Studying Inland Water Bodies and River Floods |
Jarihani, Abdollah Asadzadeh 1; Callow , John Nikolaus 1; Daylami,
Afshin Amirpoor 2 |
1The University of Queensland, (AU); 2Azad Islamic University, (IR, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) |
Analysis of Envisat Individual Echoes over Inland Water |
Witheridge, Simon ; Berry, Philippa A.M. ; Smith, Richard G. |
Earth and Planetrary Remote Sensing Lab, De Montfort University, (UK) |
Evaluation of CryoSat-2 Measurements for the Monitoring of
Large River Water Levels |
Bercher, Nicolas ; Calmant, Stephane |
UMR Legos, (FR) |
On the Use of the Altimetric Virtual Gauge for Computation of River Discharge |
Moore, Philip ; Birkinshaw, Stephen ; Kilsby, Christopher |
Newcastle University, (UK) |
A New Method to Derive River Discharge from Satellite Altimetry (ENVISAT) |
Tourian, Mohammad J. ; Riegger, Johannes ; Bardossy, Andras ; Sneeuw, Nico |
University of Stuttgart, (DE) |
Water Level and Discharge Estimation in part of Mahanadi River and Sunderban Delta, IN Using Altimeter Data |
Thakur, Praveen ; Garg, Vaibhav ; Nandy, Subrata ; S, Raghvandra |
Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), (IN) |
Satellite Altimeter Derived Discharge of the Ganga Brahmaputra River from 1993 to 2012. |
Papa, Fabrice 1; Durand, Fabien 2; Bala, Sujit 3; Kumar Pandey, Rajesh 4; Rahman, Atiqur 5; Rossow, William B 5 |
1IRD, (FR); 2IRD-LEGOS, (FR); 3University of Dakha, (BD); 4Universite de Toulouse, (FR); 5NOAA-CREST, (US) |
A Framework for Satellite Estimate of River Discharge Without in Situ Measurements |
Négrel, Jean ; Kosuth, Pascal |
Irstea, (FR) |
Simulation of River Discharge Estimates from SWOT Measurements on the Amazon Basin |
Jhan Carlo, Espinoza 1; Paiva, Rodrigo 2; Bonnet, Marie-Paule 2; Collischonn, Walter 3; Biancamaria, Silvain 4; Buarque, Diogo 3; Calmant, Stéphane 4; Seyler, Frédérique 5 |
1Instituto Geofísico del Perú, (PE); 2GET/OMP, UMR 5563 CNRS/IRD/Université Paul Sabatier, (FR); 3Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas / Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, (BR); 4LEGOS, UMR 5564 CNES/CNRS/UT3/IRD/CNES, (FR); 5Espace, UMR IRD/UAG,UR,UM2, (FR) |
Estimating river Bathymetry, Roughness, and Discharge from remote sensing Measurements of river Height on the River Severn, U.K. |
Durand, Michael 1; Neal, Jeff 2; Rodríguez, Ernesto 3 |
1Ohio State University, (US); 2University of Bristol, (UK); 3NASA JPL, (UK) |
Lake and Reservoir Water Level Measurements from ICESat Laser Altimetry |
Boy, Jean-Paul 1; Carabajal, Claudia 2 |
1Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre, (FR); 2Sigma Space Corp. @NASA/GSFC, (US) |
Automatic Calibration of a Flow Routing Scheme Constrained by Radar Altimetry Data |
Getirana, Augusto 1; Boone, Aaron 2; Mognard, Nelly 3 |
1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, (US); 2Meteo-FR, (FR); 3LEGOS/CNES, (FR) |
Radar Altimetry for water Resources monitoring in Africa, evaluating Jason2 and ENVISAT Missions for preparing SARAL/AltiKa |
Seyler, Frederique 1; Calmant, Stephane 1; Da Silva, Joecila 2; Becker, Melanie 3; Gulemvuga, Georges 4; Brunel, Damien 5; Bonnet, Marie Paule 1; Mangiarrotti, Sylvain 1 |
1IRD, (FR); 2UEA, (BR); 3UAG, (FR); 4CICOS, (DRC); 5BRL, (FR) |
Lake Poopo bathymetry Reconstruction to assess SWOT water mask Product Accuracy |
Arsen, Adalbert 1; Rodriguez, Ernesto 2; Cretaux, Jean Francois 1; Calmant, Stephane 3; Biancamaria, Sylvain 4; Mercier, Franck 5 |
1 CNES/LEGOS, (FR); 2JPL, (US); 3LEGOS/IRD, (FR); 4LEGOS, (FR); 5CLS, (FR) |
Satellite Altimetry: A Potential Reliable Source of Information in Context of Transboundary Basin Issue |
Biancamaria, Sylvain 1; Siddique-E-Akbor, A. H. M. 2; Yigzaw, Wondmagegn 3; Hossain, Faisal 3; Lettenmaier, Dennis 4; Rodríguez, Ernesto 5; Moller, Delwyn 6 |
1LEGOS, (FR); 2Tennessee Technological University, (US); 3TTU, (US); 4University of Washington, (US); 5JPL/Cal Tech, (US); 6Remote Sensing Solutions Inc., (US) |
Reconstruction of Hydrological Archives in GF by Radar Altimetry, Hydrodynamic Modeling and Nonlinear Analysis of Time Series |
Escloupier, Erwan 1; Becker, Melanie 2; Marie Joseph, Isabelle 2; Linguet, Laurent 2; Timmermann, Pierre 3; Calmant, Stephane 1; Seyler, Frederique 1 |
1IRD, (FR); 2UAG, (FR); 3DEAL, (FR) |
Marine Geodesy, Gravity, Bathymetry and Mean Sea Surface |
Error Covariance of Mean Dynamic Topography in Inverse Ocean Models |
Freiwald, Grit 1; Losch, Martin 1; Schuh, Wolf-Dieter 2; Becker, Silvia 2 |
1Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, (DE); 2Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation, University of Bonn, (DE) |
Sea Level Anomaly and Dynamic Ocean Topography Analytical Covariance Functions in the Mediterranean Sea from ENVISAT data |
Vergos, Georgios ; Natsiopoulos, Dimitrios ; Tziavos, Ilias |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, (GR) |
Gral: An Altimetric Mission Low-cost for Providing Ocean Gravity Models |
Lequentrec-Lalancette, Marie-Françoise 1; Rouxel, Didier 2; Enjolras, Vivian 3; Richard, Jacques 3; Andersen, Ole 4; Royer, Jean-Yves 5; Maia, Marcia 5; Geli, Louis 6 |
1SHOM, (FR); 2SHOM , (FR); 3Thales Alenia Space, (FR); 4DTU Space, (DK); 5 Laboratoire Domaines Océaniques – UMR 6538 Institut Universitaire de la Mer (IUEM),Place Copernic, (FR); 6Ifremer, (FR) |
Data and Products for Oceanography from ESA's Gravity Mission GOCE. |
Bigazzi, Alberto 1; Mizzi, Loretta 2; Meloni , Marco 1; Frommknecht, Bjoern 3; Floberghagen, Rune 3; Di Nardo, Salvatore 1 |
1SERCO, c/o ESA/ESRIN, (IT); 2Telespazio, c/o ESA/ESRIN, (IT); 3ESA/ESRIN, (IT) |
On the Incorporation of Sea Surface Topography Models in a Geoid-based Vertical Datum |
Bolkas, Dimitrios 1; Fotopoulos, Georgia 1; Sideris, Michael G. 2 |
1The University of Texas at Dallas, (US); 2University of Calgary, (CA) |
A Global Mean Ocean Circulation Estimation using GOCE Gravity Models |
Knudsen, Per ; Ole, Andersen |
DTU Space, (DK) |
Combined Global Gravity Models including Satellite Altimetry Data |
Fecher, Thomas ; Pail, Roland |
Technical University Munich, (DE) |
Error Budget Analysis of a Mean Dynamic Topography |
Horvath, Alexander ; Pail, Roland |
Technical University Munich, (DE) |
Validating predicted Bathymetry: An Approach using Two-dimensional Coherence between Altimetric Gravity and Multibeam Bathymetry |
Marks, K. M. ; Smith, W. H. F. |
NOAA Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry, (US) |
GOCE Data Quality and Instruments Performance |
Meloni, Marco 1; Bigazzi, Alberto 1; Mizzi, Loretta 2; Frommknecht, Bjoern 3; Floberghagen, Rune 3 |
1SERCO, c/o ESA/ESRIN, (IT); 2Telespazio, c/o ESA/ESRIN, (IT); 3ESA/ESRIN, (IT) |
The DTU 2010 MSS and MDT Models - Recent Development in the Arctic |
Andersen, Ole Baltazar ; Knudsen, Per |
DTU Space, (DK); |
Towards DTU2012 Global Marine Gravity Field |
Andersen, Ole Baltazar ; Knudsen, Per ; Stenseng, Lars ; Jain, Maulik |
DTU Space, (DK) |
Steric Sea Level Changes Using Altimetry and Gravimetry Satellites - A Case Study over Nordic Seas |
Joodaki, Gholamreza ; Nahavandchi, Hossein ; Ghazavi, Kourosh |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), (NO) |
Gravity of the Arctic Ocean from Satellite Altimetry: Recent
History and Status Report |
McAdoo, David 1; Farrell, Sinead 2; Laxon, Seymour 3; Ridout, Andy 3; Zwally, H Jay 4; Yi , Donghui 4 |
1NOAA NESDIS, (US); 2University of Maryland, (US); 3University College London, (UK); 4NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, (US) |
Simulation of SWOT Data from Marine Geoid Models |
Lequentrec-Lalancette, Marie-Françoise 1; Salaun, Corinne 2; Rouxel, Didier 1 |
1SHOM, (FR); 2Laboratoire Domaines Océaniques – UMR 6538 Institut Universitaire de la Mer (IUEM), (FR); |
Mean Dynamical Topography and its Impact on Ocean Circulation Estimates in Southern Ocean |
Schroeter,Jens 1; Janjic, Tijana 1; Timmermann, Ralph 1; Savcenko, Roman 2; Bosch, Wolfgang 2; Albertella, Alberta 3; Rummel, Reiner 3 |
1AWI, (DE); 2DGFI, (DE); 3IAPG, (DE) |
To What Extent are Altimetry Residuals Explained by Mass Redistribution and Steric Changes? |
Rietbroek, Roelof 1; Jensen, Laura 1; Brunnabend, Sandra-Esther 2; Kusche, Jürgen 1; Schröter, Jens 2 |
1Bonn university, (DE); 2Alfred Wegener Institute, (DE) |
Integrated Systems - Applications - Forecast - Assimilation |
Large Scale Estimates of the three Oceanic Carbon Pumps |
Levy, Marina 1; Bopp, Laurent 1; Karleskind, Pierre 2; Resplandy, Laure 1; Ethe, Christian 1; Pinsard, Françoise 1 |
1IPSL, (FR); 2ALTRAN, (FR) |
Surface chlorophyll responses to Eastern and Central Pacific El Niño events using a multi-satellite analysis |
Radenac, Marie-Hélène ; Léger, Fabien ; Singh, Awnesh ; Delcroix, Thierry |
Surface Chlorophyll-a Distribution in the Southwestern Atlantic due to Mesoscale Eddies |
Saraceno, Martin 1; Oks, David 2; Piola, Alberto, R. 3 |
1CONICET-UBA, (AR); 2Universidad de Buenos Aires, (AR); 3Servicio de Hidrografia Naval/UBA/CONICET, (AR) |
Singular Value Decomposition of Ocean Surface Chlorophyll and Sea Level Anomalies in the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Iberian Peninsula) |
Navarro, Gabriel 1; Gomez-Enri, Jesus 2; Pascual, Ananda 3; Escudier, Romain 3; Caballero, Isabel 1; Villares, Pilar 2 |
1ICMAN-CSIC, (ES); 2University of Cadiz, (ES); 3IMEDEA, (ES) |
Some Results of dynamic Features studying in the Baltic Proper and Black Seas |
Sychev, VIT |
Russian State Hydrometeorological University, (RU) |
Impacts of Physical Data Assimilation on the Integration of Biogeochemistry into Mercator Ocean operational systems |
El Moussaoui, Abdelali 1; Perruche, Coralie 1; Gehlen, Marion 2; Ethe, Christian 2 |
1Mercator Ocean, (FR); 2IPSL/LCSE, UMR CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, (FR) |
Can Altimetry Inform Marine Ecology? |
De Monte, Silvia 1; d'Ovidio, FRsco 2; Lévy, Marina 2; Cotté, Cedric 3; Alvain, Severine 4; Weimerskirsch, Henri 5 |
1CNRS-Ecole Normale Supérieure, (FR); 2CNRS-LOCEAN, Paris, (FR); 3LOCEAN, Paris, (FR); 4CNRS-LOG, (FR); 5CNRS-CEBS, (FR) |
Joint uses of Satellite/in-situ Observations and Drakkar Ocean Models: Atmospheric Forcing and Model Assessment. |
Penduff, Thierry 1; Juza, Mélanie 2; Brodeau, Laurent 3; Barnier, Bernard 1; Treguier, Anne-Marie 4; Molines, Jean-Marc 1 |
1CNRS-LEGI, (FR); 2LEGI, (FR); 3Dpt Meteorology, University Stockholm, (SE); 4CNRS-LPO, (FR) |
Extreme Events and Statistical Structure of Sea-level Variability: AVISO vs. Multi-resolution DRAKKAR Simulations |
Penduff, Thierry 1; Juza, Mélanie 1; Sura, Philip 2 |
Mesoscale Variability in the Subtropical Salinity Maxima |
Grodsky, Semyon |
University of Maryland, (US) |
Data Quality Assessment of in situ and Altimeter Observations through Two-way Intercomparison Methods |
Guinehut, Stephanie ; Ablain, Michael ; Rio, Marie-Helene ; Valladeau, Guillaume ; Legeais, Jean-Francois ; Larnicol, Gilles |
CLS, (FR) |
Circulation and Cross-Shelf Exchanges over the Shelves of Southern South America |
Matano, Ricardo 1; Palma, Elbio 2; Strub, Ted 1; Combes, Vincent 1 |
1Oregon State University, (US); 2Universidad Nacional del Sur, (AR) |
On The Nature of Buoyancy-Driven Interannual Tropical Sea Level Changes |
Piecuch, Christopher ; Ponte, Rui |
Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc., (US) |
Mean full-depth Circulation in the northern North Atlantic in the 2000s derived from satellite Altimetry and repeat Hydrography |
Sarafanov, Artem 1; Falina, Anastasia 1; Mercier, Herlé 2; Sokov, Alexey 1; Lherminier, Pascale 2; Gourcuff, Claire 2; Gladyshev, Sergey 1; Gaillard, Fabienne 2; Daniault, Nathalie 2 |
1P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow, (RU); 2Laboratoire de Physique des Océans, CNRS, Ifremer, IRD, UBO, Plouzané, (FR) |
Surface and Subsurface Current Velocity from Satellite Altimetry and Hydrography in the North Atlantic Ocean |
Lan, Wen-Hau 1; Kuo, Chung-yen 1; Chang, Chi-Hung 1; Shum, C.K. 2; Yi, Yuchan 3 |
1National Cheng Chung university, (TW); 2Ohio State University, (US); 3Ohio State University, (TW) |
Steric Sea-level Variations in the Gulf of Cadiz Computed from Combined Databases |
Gomez-Enri, Jesus 1; Laiz, Irene 1; Tejedor, Begoña 1; Aboitiz, Alazne 1; Gommenginger, Christine 2; Srokosz, Meric 2; Villares, Pilar 1 |
1University of Cadiz, (ES); 2NOCS-UK, (UK) |
Understanding the Annual Cycle in Sea Surface Height. |
Giglio, Donata 1; Roemmich, Dean 1; Sutton, Philip 2 |
1Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California, (US); 2National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, (NZ) |
Investigating the Global Water Cycle Using Salinity Budget |
Kao, Hsun-Ying ; Lagerloef, Gary |
Earth and Space Research, (US) |
MyOcean Eddy-permitting Global Ocean Reanalysis Product: Description and Results |
Ferry, Nicolas 1; Parent, Laurent 1; Garric, Gilles 1; Barnier, Bernard 2; Molines, Jean-Marc 2; Guinehut, Stephanie 3; Mulet, Sandrine 3; Haines, Keith 4; Valdivieso, Maria 4; Masina, Simona 5; Storto, Andrea 5 |
1MERCATOR OCEAN, (FR); 2LEGI/MEOM, (FR); 3CLS, (FR); 4ESSC-Reading, (UK); 5CMCC, (IT) |
Sea Level Estimates of the ECCO Central Production |
Fukumori, Ichiro 1; Heimbach, Patrick 2; Ponte, Rui M. 3; Lee, Tong 4; Forget, Gael 2; Wunsch, Carl 2 |
1Jet Propulsion Lab/Caltech, (US); 2MIT, (US); 3AER, (US); 4JPL, (US) |
Regional High Resolution Reanalysis Covered European North East Shelf |
Benkiran, Mounir 1; Chanut, Jérôme 2; Greiner , Eric 1; Drillet, Yann 2 |
1CLS, (FR); 2Mercator Ocean, (FR) |
Use of ECMWF and Mercator Reanalyses for Decadal Prediction Systems Initialisation |
Rogel, Philippe 1; Ferry, Nicolas 2 |
Observation sensitivity Studies at Mercator Océan: a Contribution to GODAE OceanView |
Remy, Elisabeth 1; Ninove, Floriane 1; Ferry, Nicolas 2; Benkir, Mounir 3 |
1Mercator Ocean, (FR); 2Météo FR, (FR); 3CLS, (FR) |
Quarterly Ocean VAlidation DISplay (QUOVADIS): a Quarterly Scientific Quality Bulletin for Mercator Ocean Operational Systems. |
Desportes, Charles ; Drévillon, Marie ; Régnier, Charly |
Mercator Ocean, (FR) |
New Altimeter Products for Model Assessment and Data Assimilation |
Dufau, Claire 1; Rio, Marie-Helene 1; Pujol, Isabelle 1; Faugere, Yannice 1; Labroue, Sylvie 1; Drillet, Yann 2; BenkIR, Mounir 1; Dobricic, Srdjan 3; Oddo, Paolo 4; Guinle, Thierry 5 |
1CLS, (FR); 2Mercator-Ocean, (FR); 3INGV, (IT); 4CMCC, (IT); 5CNES, (FR) |
Use of GOCE MDT and Error Information in NEMOVAR a Variational Data Assimilation Scheme for NEMO |
Lea, Daniel 1; Bingham, Rory 2; Haines, Keith 3; Martin, Matthew 1 |
1Met Office, (UK); 2Newcastle University, (UK); 3University of Reading, (UK) |
Altimeter Data Assimilation into Ocean Models: Robustness of the Incremental 4DVAR for Strongly Eddy-active Ocean Circulations |
Bouttier, Pierre-Antoine 1; Blayo, Eric 2; Verron, Jacques 1 |
1CNRS, (FR); 2Université Joseph Fourier, (FR) |
Accounting for Spatial Error Correlations in Altimetric Data Assimilation |
Cosme, Emmanuel 1; Brankart, Jean-Michel 2; Ubelmann, Clement 3; Verron, Jacques 2; Brasseur, Pierre 2 |
1Joseph Fourier University, (FR); 2CNRS/LEGI, (FR); 3NASA/JPL, (US) |
Monitoring marine Debris from the March 11, 2011 Tsunami in JP with the diagnostic Model of surface Currents |
Maximenko, Nikolai ; Hafner, Jan |
University of Hawaii, (US) |
Overview of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversation capabilities, using Mercator GLORYS2v1 Reanalysis |
Hernandez, Fabrice 1; Durand, Edmée 2; Ferry, Nicolas 2; Chayriguet, Aude 2 |
1IRD/Mercator Océan, (FR); 2Mercator Océan, (FR) |
WMO Requirements for Satellite Radar Altimetry |
Bojinski, Stephan ; Grabs, Wolfgang ; Lee, Boram ; Charpentier, Etienne |
World Meteorological Organization, (CH) |
Oceanography - Large Scale |
Sea Surface Height Variability in the Gulf of TH and South CN Sea using altimetry Data : A Preliminary Study |
Niemnil, Sommart 1; Naeije, Marc 2; Trisirisatayawong, Itthi 3 |
1Royal Thai Naval Academy, (TH); 2TU DELFT, (NL); 3Chulalongkorn University, (TH) |
Observations of BR Current baroclinic transport near 22°S: Variability from the AX97 XBT Transect and Satellite Altimetry |
Mata, Mauricio M. 1; CIRo, Mauro 2; van Caspel, Mathias R. 1; Fonteles, Caio S. 1; Goñi, Gustavo 3; Baringer, Molly 3 |
1Federal University of Rio Grande-FURG, (BR); 2Federal University of Bahia-UFBa, (BR); 3NOAA, (US) |
Investigation of the Interannual Variability of the Tropical Atlantic Ocean from Satellite Data |
Arnault, Sabine 1; Melice, Jean Luc 2 |
1IRD, (FR); 2locean/ipsl, (FR) |
Interannual Variability of Tropical Warm Pools in Remote Sensing Based and ECCO-assimilated Oceanographic Data Sets |
Mehta, Vikram ; Wang, Hui |
Center for Research on the Changing Earth System, (US) |
Large-scale Interannual Variability of Sea Level and Water Mass Properties in the Southeast Pacific |
Volkov, Denis 1; Zlotnicki, Victor 2 |
1UCLA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US); 2Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US) |
Seasonal Coupling in the Gulf Stream Region between the Atmosphere and the Ocean |
Thompson, LuAnne 1; Kelly, Kathryn 1; Booth, James 2; Menemenlis, Dimitris 3 |
1University of Washington, (US); 2Columbia University, (US); 3Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US) |
A 20-Year Satellite Climatology of Ocean Circulation in the Northern Indian Ocean |
Strub, Paul Ted 1; Somayajulu, Y.K. 2; Dhage, Laxmikant 3; Venegas, Roberto 1 |
1Oregon State University, (US); 2National Institute of Oceanography, (IN); 3Oregon State University, (IN); |
Detection of the MJO Signal from Altimetry in the Indian Ocean |
Bulusu, SUBRAHMANYAM ; Grunseich, Gary |
University of South Carolina, (US) |
Patterns of Indo-Pacific Inter-basin Sea Level Change During Recent Decades |
Han, Weiqing 1; Gerald , Meehl 2; Aixue , Hu 2; Yamagata, Toshio 3; Deser, Clara 2; Alexander, Michael 4; McWilliams, James 5; Hamlington, Benjamin 1; Leben, Robert 1; Ishii, Masayoshi 6 |
1University of Colorado, (US); 2National Center for Atmospheric Research, (US); 3University of Tokyo, (JP); 4NOAA, (US); 5UCLA, (US); 6JAMSTEC, (JP) |
The Azores and St. Helena Currents from Two Decades of Satellite Altimetry: Inspecting their Congeneracy and Roles in the Subtropical Atlantic |
Lazaro, Clara 1; Juliano, Manuela F. 2; Fernandes, Joana 1; Nunes, Alexandra L. 3; Salgado, Miguel 1 |
1Universidade do Porto, Fac. Ciencias; CIMAR-LA, CIIMAR-UP, (PT); 2Universidade dos Acores; CIMAR-LA, (PT); 3Inst. Politecnico do Porto, ISEP; CIMAR-LA, CIIMAR-UP, (PT) |
Dynamics of SST Anomalies in the Southern Ocean Diagnosed from a 2D Mixed-layer Model with Advection Prescribed from Altimetry |
Vivier, Frederic 1; Iudicone, Daniele 2; Park, Young-Hyang 3 |
Variability of the ACC Transport Across the Kerguelen Plateau |
Vivier, Frederic 1; Park, Young-Hyang 2; Sekma, Hela 2 |
Definition of Special Position of the Southern Ocean and Antarctic Circumpolar Current Boundaries Based on Remote Sensing Data |
Lebedev, Sergey |
Geophysical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, (RU) |
Contribution of Satellite Altimetry to Investigate the Variability of the MOC in the South Atlantic |
Goni, Gustavo 1; Dong, Shenfu 2; Garzoli, Silvia 1; Bringas, Francis 1; Baringer, Molly 1 |
1National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (US); 2University of Miami and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (US) |
An Oceanic Heat Budget for Interannual Variability in the Northeast Pacific Ocean estimated from a One-dimensional Model and Sat |
Springer, Scott ; Lagerloef, Gary |
Earth & Space Research, (US) |
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Monitoring Using Multi-mission Satellite Radar Altimetry and Other Observations |
Kuo, Chung-yen 1; Shum, C.K. 2; Yi, Yuchan 2; Rashid, Harunur 2; Wan, Junkun 2 |
1National Cheng Chung University, (TW); 2Ohio State University, (US) |
Drake Passage: Circulation, Modes of variability, heat Fluxes and volume Transport revisited using new in situ time Series and satellite Altimetry. |
Ferrari, Ramiro 1; Provost, Christine 1; Sennéchael, Nathalie 1; Lee, Jae-Hak 2; Park , Young-Hyang 1; Garric, Gilles 3 |
1UPMC/LOCEAN, (FR); 2KORDI, Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute, (ROK); 3Mercator Ocean, (FR) |
Investigation of Mediterranean Mean Sea Level Variability from Satellite Altimetry |
Haddad, Mahdi ; Taibi, Habib ; Rami, Ali |
Centre of Space Techniques, (DZ) |
On the Surface Circulation of the Levantine Sub-basin Derived from Lagrangian Drifters and Satellite Altimetry Data |
Milena, Menna 1; Pierre-Marie, Poulain 1; George, Zodiatis 2; Isaac, Gertman 3 |
1OGS, (IT); 2OC-UCY, (CY); 3IOLR, (IL) |
Decadal Variability of Net Water Flux at the Mediterranean Sea Gibraltar Strait |
Fenoglio-Marc, Luciana 1; Mariotti, Annarita 2; Sannino, Gian Maria 3; Meyssignac, Benoit 4; Carillo, Adriana 3; Struglia, Adriana 3; Rixen, Michael 5; Grayek, Sebastian 6; Rietbroek, Roelof 7; Becker, Matthias 8; Kusche, Juergen 7; Stanev, Emil 6 |
1Technical University Darmstadt, (DE); 2NOAA, (US); 3ENEA, (IT); 4LEGOS/CNES, (FR); 5WMO, (CH); 6Institute for Coastal Research, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, (DE); 7Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Bonn University, (DE); 8Institute of Physical Geodesy, Technical University Darmstadt, (DE) |
Interannual Variability of the Black Sea Level Basing on the Radar Altimetry |
Lebedev, Sergey 1; Lebedev, Sergey 2; Kostianoy, Andrey 3; Ginzburg , Anna 3; Sheremet , Nikolay 3 |
1Geophysical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, (RU); 2Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,(RU); 3P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, (RU) |
Estimation of the Geophysical Parameters and the Orbital Error Effect on the Altimetric Measurements for Sea Surface Height Determination |
Rami, Ali ; Haddad, Mahdi ; Kahlouche, Salem |
Centre of Space Techniques, (DZ) |
Seasonal and Inter-seasonal Variations of the Geostrophic Flow from Altimetry and GOCE |
Sánchez-Reales, Jose Maria 1; Vigo, Isabel 1; Trottini, Mario 1; Chao, Ben Fong 2 |
1University of Alicante, (ES); 2Academia Sinica, (TW) |
Meridional Rossby Wave Fronts and Vortices from AVISO Altimeter Data |
Polito, Paulo Simionatto ; Sato, Olga Tiemi |
Instituto Oceanográfico da Univ. de São Paulo Pca do Oceanográfico, (BR) |
Oceanography - Mean Sea Level Trends |
Sea Level and Ocean Circulation in the high latitude seas and the Arctic Ocean |
Johannessen, Johnny A. 1; Stammer, Detlef 2; Cazenave, Anny 3; Andersen, Ole Baltesar 4; Knudsen, Per 4; Koldunov, Nikolay 2; Henri, Olivier 3; Prandi, Pierre 5; Fosberg, Rene 4; Raj, Roshin 1 |
1Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, (NO); 2University of Hamburg, (DE); 3LEGOS, (FR); 4DTU, (DK); 5CLS, (FR) |
Tide Gauge-based Sea Level Variations Since 1950 along the Norwegian and Russian Coasts of the Arctic Ocean |
Henry, Olivier 1; Prandi, Pierre 2; Llovel, William 3; Cazenave, Anny 4; Jevregeva, Svetlana 5; Stammer, Detlef 6; Meyssignac, Benoit 4; Koldunov, Nikolay 6 |
1LEGOS/CNRS, (FR); 2CLS, (FR); 3Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (US); 4LEGOS/CNES, (FR); 5National Oceanography Centre, (UK); 6University of Hambourg, (DE) |
Multi-model Reliability Estimates of Decadal Sea-level Trend Hindcasts |
Rogel, Philippe 1; Salas Y Melia, David 2 |
1CERFACS, (FR); 2Météo-FR, (FR) |
Timescales for Detecting a Significant Acceleration in Sea-level Rise |
Haigh, Ivan 1; Pattiaratchi, Charitha 1; Wahl , Thomas 2; Price , René 3 |
1University of Western AU, (AU); 2University of Siegen, (DE); 3Florida International University, (US) |
Sea Level Reconstruction: Exploration of Methods for Combining Altimetry with Other Data to beyond the 20-year Altimetric Record |
Svendsen, Peter ; Andersen, Ole B. ; Nielsen, Allan A. |
DTU Space, (DK) |
The 2011 La Niña: So Strong, the Oceans Fell |
Boening, Carmen 1; Willis, Josh 1; Landerer, Felix 1; Nerem,
R. Steven 2; Fasullo, John 3 |
1JPL/Caltech, (US); 2CCAR, (US); 3NCAR, (US) |
Global and Regional Sea Level Change |
Schroeter, Jens1; Wenzel, Manfred1; Bosch, Wolfgang2; Savcenko, Roman2 |
1AWI, (DE); 2DGFI, (DE) |
Recent Change of thermosteric sea Level and its Contribution to the sea Level Change measured from Satellite Altimetry |
Fukuda, Yoshikazu ; Ito, Wataru ; Nakano, Toshiya ; Ishizaki, Shiro ; Kuragano, Tsurane |
JP Meteorological Agency, (JP) |
Advances in Climate Monitoring Using a Consistent Sea Level Record from 1900 to Present |
Hamlington, Benjamin 1; Leben, Robert 1; Kim, Kwang-Yul 2 |
1University of Colorado at Boulder, (US); 2Seoul National University, (ROK) |
Error Characterization of the Global and Regional Mean Sea Level Evolution for Climate Applications. |
Ablain, Michaël 1; Larnicol, Gilles 1; Faugere, Yannice 1; Cazenave, Anny 2; Meyssignac, Benoit 2; Picot, Nicolas 3; Benveniste, Jérôme 4 |
1CLS, (FR); 2LEGOS/CNES, (FR); 3CNES, (FR); 4ESRIN, (IT) |
Estimating ENSO Influence on the Global Mean Sea Level During 1993-2010 |
Cazenave, Anny 1; Henry, Olivier 1; Munier, Simon 2; Meyssignac, Benoit 2; Delcroix, Thierry 1; Llovel, William 3; Palanisamy, Hindumathi 2; Gordon, Arnold 4 |
1LEGOS, (FR); 2LEGOS-CNES, (FR); 3JPL, (US); 4LDEO, (US) |
Sixty years of regional sea level variability and its coastal impacts with focus on Caribbean Sea, South CN Sea and INn Ocean |
Palanisamy, Hindumathi 1; Meyssignac, Benoit 2; Peng, Dongju 1; Cazenave, Anny 2; Becker, Melanie 3 |
1LEGOS/CNRS, (FR); 2LEGOS/CNES, (FR); 3University of Cayenne, (GF) |
Sea Level Rise and Subsidence in the Delta Areas of the Gulf of TH |
Naeije, Marc 1; Simons, Wim 1; Trisirisatayawong, Itthi 2; Satirapod, Chalermchon 2; Niemnil, Sommart 3 |
1TUDelft, (NL); 2Chulalongkorn University, (TH); 3Royal Thai Naval Academy, (TH) |
Long-Term Sea Level Change From Satellite Altimetry and Tide Gauges in the IDn Region |
Fenoglio-Marc, Luciana 1; Schöne, Tilo 2; Illigner, Julia 2; Becker, Matthias 3; Khafid, C 4; Subarya, C. 4 |
1Technical Unversity Darmstadt, (DE); 2GFZ, (DE); 3TUD, (DE); 4Bakosurtanal, (ID) |
Sea Level Changes in the Arctic Ocean |
Cheng, Yongcun ; Andersen, Ole Baltazar ; Knudsen, Per |
DTU Space, National Space Institute, (DK) |
Determining and Modelling Sea Level Change in the Caribbean Using Satellite Altimetry |
Jaggan, Sandesh ; Davis, Dexter |
University of the West Indies, (TT) |